Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Iliad Book XXII - Achilles Kills Hector
Iliad Book XXII - Achilles Kills Hector Iliad - Public area English translationExcept for Hector, the Trojans are inside the dividers of Troy. Apollo goes to Achilles to disclose to him he is burning through his time seeking after a divine being since he cannot kill him. Achilles is irate yet pivots to come back to Troy where Priam is the first to spot him. He reveals to Hector he will be slaughtered since Achilles is a lot more grounded. If not executed he will be sold into servitude as has just transpired of Priams children. Priam cannot prevent Hector, in any event, when his significant other Hecuba joins the exertion. Hector thinks about to heading inside however fears the disparagement of Polydamas, who had offered sage guidance the day preceding. Since Hector needs beyond words greatness, he has a superior possibility of confronting Achilles. He ponders giving Achilles Helen and the fortune and adding to it an even split of the fortune of Troy, yet Hector dismisses these thoughts acknowledging Achilles will simply chop him down, and there would be no magnificence in that. As Achilles hunkers down on Hector, Hector starts to lose his nerve. Hector runs towards the Scamander River (Xanthus). The two warriors race multiple times around Troy. Zeus looks down and feels frustrated about Hector, however advises Athena to go down and do what she needs without limitation. Achilles is pursuing Hector with zero chance of respite except if Apollo steps in (which he doesn't do). Athena advises Achilles to quit running and face Hector. She includes that she will convince Hector to do likewise. Athena masks herself as Deiphobus and reveals to Hector both of them ought to go battle Achilles together. Hector is excited to see his sibling has set out to come out of Troy to support him. Athena utilizes the guile of mask until Hector delivers Achilles to express its chance to end the pursuit. Hector demands a settlement that they will restore every others body whoever passes on. Achilles says there are no coupling pledges among lions and men. He includes that Athena will murder Hector in one minute. Achilles heaves his lance, yet Hector ducks and it flies past. Hector doesn't see Athena recover the lance and return it to Achilles. Hector insults Achilles that he didnt know the future all things considered. At that point Hector says its his turn. He tosses his lance, which hits, yet looks off the shield. He calls to Deiphobus to bring his spear, be that as it may, obviously, there is no Deiphobus. Hector acknowledges he has been deceived by Athena and that his end is close. Hector needs a great demise, so he draws his blade and plunges down on Achilles, who accuses of his lance. Achilles realizes the covering Hector is wearing and puts that information to utilize, finding the frail point at the collarbone. He punctures Hectors neck, however not his windpipe. Hector tumbles down while Achilles insults him with the way that his body will be disfigured by canines and flying creatures. Hector beseeches him not to, yet to let Priam emancipate him. Achilles instructs him to quit asking, that in the event that he might, he be able to would eat the cadaver himself, however since he cant, damnation let the canines do it . Hector curses him, revealing to him Paris will murder him at the Scaean Gates with the assistance of Apollo. At that point Hector bites the dust. Achilles jabs gaps in Hectors lower legs, ties a lash through them and appends them to the chariot so he can drag the body in the residue. Hecuba and Priam cry while Andromache is requesting that her orderlies draw a shower for her better half. At that point she hears a piercing cry from Hecuba, suspects what has occurred, develops, looks down from the bulwark where she observes her spouses cadaver being hauled and blacks out. She regrets that her child Astyanax will have neither land nor family thus will be loathed. She has the ladies consume the store of Hectors dress in his respect. Next: Major Characters in Book XXII Peruse an open area interpretation of Homers Iliad Book XXII. Hector - victor of the Trojans and child of Priam.Priam - King of the Trojans and father of Hector, Paris, Cassandra, and Helenus, among others.Achilles - best warrior and generally chivalrous of the Greeks. After Agamemnon took his war prize, Briseis, Achilles passed on the war until his darling friend Patroclus was slaughtered. In spite of the fact that he realizes his passing is up and coming, Achilles is resolved to murder however many Trojans as could be allowed, including Hector whom he faults for Patroclus death.Xanthus - a waterway close to Troy referred to humans as Scamander.Zeus - lord of the divine beings. Zeus endeavors neutrality.Known as Jupiter or Jove among the Romans and in certain interpretations of the Iliad.Athena - favors the Greeks. Additionally referred to by the Romans as Minerva.Apollo - lord of numerous qualities. Favors the Trojans.Deiphobus - sibling of Paris.Andromache - spouse of Hector and mother of Astyanax. Profiles of Some of the Major Olympian Gods Involved in the Trojan War HermesZeusAphroditeArtemisApolloAthenaHeraAres Outline and Main Characters of the Iliad Book I Outline and Main Characters of the Iliad Book II Outline and Main Characters of the Iliad Book III Outline and Main Characters of the Iliad Book IV Outline and Main Characters of the Iliad Book V Outline and Main Characters of the Iliad Book VI Outline and Main Characters of the Iliad Book VII Outline and Main Characters of the Iliad Book VIII Outline and Main Characters of the Iliad Book IX Outline and Main Characters of the Iliad Book X Outline and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XI Synopsis and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XII Outline and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XIII Outline and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XIV Synopsis and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XV Synopsis and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XVI Synopsis and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XVII Synopsis and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XVIII Synopsis and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XIX Synopsis and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XX Synopsis and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XXI Synopsis and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XXII Synopsis and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XXIII Synopsis and Main Characters of the Iliad Book XXIV
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Assessment Referrals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Appraisal Referrals - Essay Example As per Deiner (2003), â€Å"Communication is the procedure by which data is transmitted between at least two individuals†(pp. 273). Before making a referral for extra evaluation in deciding if an understudy has a correspondence issue, intensive measures of intercessions ought to be completedâ€as well as overflowing note-taking and recording proof of a student’s conduct. Two qualities of observational evaluation are: 1) that an instructor can genuinely observe with their own eyes what issue or issues the understudy is managing; and afterward 2) record these perceptions for additional conversation sooner or later. The impediments of observational evaluation are that: 1) there is no criticism given by the understudy except if verbal or composed; and 2) it is highly unlikely to know, shy of asking, what the student’s perspective is during the appraisal. Anectdotal records would be desirable over keep recordsâ€and afterwards on, the school therapist may have th e option to bring such notes and go down their very own agenda about what these practices together may mean. As per Boyles and Contadino (1998), â€Å"Poor relational abilities can meddle with each part of the childs life. Students with correspondence issue rapidly fall behind in school. Vocabularies wane, recollections come up short, and critical thinking becomes difficult†(pp. 158). Along these lines, if the diagnosing individual can pinpoint what the understudy is experiencing issues with, that may cause the understudy to have the option to all the more adequately handle their
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Making your college decision
Making your college decision [In many ways, picking a college is a lot like marriage: the courtship, the ceremony, the cost. So its not surprising many players compare it to falling in love.] Make the decision with both your head and your heart, When youre at the school for you, youll know it. Kelli Keuhne (professional golfer who attended the University of Texas) Right now, many of you have probably procrastinated on making one of (what you think is) the biggest decisions in your life. Perhaps you are choosing between MIT, a state-school that is giving you nearly a free ride, an Ivy League school, a college with easy access to a beach, or one with a top-seeded basketball team. Youre probably receiving pressure and advice from tons of people, each imparting their tidbits of knowledge and advice. I was in your shoes two years ago, choosing between MIT, an Ivy that gave slightly more money and a big research grant, and a state-school with a free-ride. Ill admit that I chose MIT and that the decision (for me) wasnt very difficult. Seriously, I couldnt pass up this place, and Ill tell you why. So why, oh why, did I choose MIT? First of all, I lived in Boston for two summers (Im originally from Maryland) while I was in high school because I had a sweet research job working in the labs of Massachusetts General Hospital. The first summer, I lived in a loft apartment right across the street from Fenway Park. The first floor of the apartment building had a brewery/bar and the smell of grains would fill the lobby every day. It was gross, because in my opinion it smelled like garbage. Anyway, theres nothing cooler than living next to Fenway during the summer, the whole place is bursting with life (and drunk baseball fans) and you cant help but catch the Boston bug. As a result of my two summers in Beantown, I fell in love with the city with 135,000 college students and just an incredible intellectual feel to it. Ok, so if I were only in love with Boston, then I could have chosen from 35 fine universities. But theres something special about MIT that I couldnt find anywhere else. I cant walk down the Infinite without hearing someone talk about a problem set, seeing a flier for one of the billion activities going on that weekend, or peeking into a lab doing some sort of cutting-edge, uber exciting research. I love the sense of freedom that prevails. Dont like something? Then change it. There are a million ways to get involved in a million different activities. Research, glass blowing, wood working, juggling, cycling, improv comedy, a capella, drama, pistol, movie making, journalism you name it, we have it. And not only do we have it, we have a group of super dedicated students just waiting to teach you more. For example, as a first-semester freshman, I got some emails about joining MURJ (the MIT undergraduate research journal,) and I had always been interested in writing but never had a chance to join my high schools paper. So, I showed up to the first meeting of the year, talked to some of the students, expressed interest, and immediately became an editor. Now Im in charge of the Fall 2006 issue and I hope some of you all will want to be involved next year too! Also, MIT gives you the full month of January to participate in these independent activities. I dont know of any other school that does that and IAP is cold but AWESOME. So that brings up another point. Yes, the winters are cold. I once almost got frostbite walking from the Student Center to Next House when it was -20 degrees outside. But, now I get to complain about it to everyone who will listen! Plus, it makes the spring ALL the sweeter. Its only 50 degrees today and everyone is hanging out outside, because the absolute temperature might be low but the relative temp is like Florida, baby. Break out the skirts. And finally, I have to mention the UROP program. The research opportunities for undergraduates at MIT are endless. As a freshman, you can work in the lab of Nobel laureate or get your work published in a research journal. Whether its nanowires or supernovas that tickle your fancy, you can study them in more detail then youll ever find in a textbook. Or, you can take a lab class, like 2.007 (Design and Manufacturing) to build your very own remote controlled robot, or 16.00 (Intro to Aerospace Engineering) to build a blimp. Also, in many ways MIT is just like your normal college. There are frats and sororities, huge parties on the weekend, couples (yea, people date, who would have thought), and sporting events (our piston team is #1 in the country, we beat the military!). We have class rings and class shirts, jocks and legally blondes. But, as Mollie said in her Top 10ish Reasons to go to MIT, our cheerleaders can do Fourier series and Laplace transforms. Boo ya. Were nerds and we love it. You will have work work hard, very hard. Your limits will be pushed. You will do more problem sets that you ever thought was humanly possible. There will be some days when you dream in code (I have heard of many people who do this) or toss in bed while wondering if your robot will work (I have done this.) But why do something if its not hard? Diamonds form under pressure! In the end, hopefully, youll graduate with no regrets, but amazed at all the stuff you have learned and accomplished. Even if you choose not to come here, I have no doubt that you will perform amazingly at the school of your choice. So Ill be lame and close with a quote: There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself. Thoreau Feel free to ask any last minute questions or voice your concerns.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Samuel Adams The Founding Of The U.s. - 1318 Words
Erin Koss U.S. Government, 6th Samuel Adams Samuel Adams Many people have heard of John Adams, however, far fewer people know of his also famous cousin Samuel Adams. Samuel Adams was one of America’s founding fathers, and is also known for many of his other contributions to the upbringing of modern day America. Throughout this paper, I will be telling you why I chose to write about Samuel Adams, his life, and his notable contributions to the founding of the U.S., as well as their significance. First, I chose Samuel Adams to write my essay on due to the fact that throughout learning about the founding fathers, it came to my attention that we have never learned about him in the past. As for some of the other founding fathers, such as†¦show more content†¦Because of his wealth, he was ranked number five in a class of twenty at Harvard College. Many people found this ironic due to the fact that he was caught in public drinking underage as well as being late for Morning Prayer on multiple occasions. While Samuel was in college, his father, along with other investors, tried to start a Land Bank in Massachusetts. This Land Bank was very popular for a short period of time, until the British Parliament decided they were opposed to it. Due to this, they shut the Land Bank down, leading the Adams family into bankruptcy. This affected Samuel profoundly. People don’t know if it was because of his hostility or the opposition to British law in the colony. Because his parents had no more money to support him at college, he was forced to work at the University to make up for the lack of money. Later, in 1748, Samuel inherited a very large estate along with his father’s brewery business when his parents passed away. He was left with a number of lawsuits from the Land Bank controversy. This was hard for him to take care of, and pay for because of the little income he had from his current government job. (â€Å"Family†) In 1749, Samuel Adams married the daughter of his Pas tor named Elizabeth Checkley. The couple had six children all together, but sadly only two survived to adulthood, Samuel Jr. and Hannah. Oddly enough,
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Einsteins Dreams - 2185 Words
Alan Lightmans Einsteins Dreams For those of us who believe in physics, this separation between past, present, and future is only an illusion, however tenacious. Albert Einstein For sure, one of the most important and discussed man of the 20th century is Albert Einstein - may be the most eminent German Jew. And many were the authors trying to describe the life and deeds of this prominent man. But one surely differs from the others in NOT trying to describe Einsteins life but imagine his dreams. His name is Alan Lightman and the book that does deserve this examination is Einsteins Dreams. First I must say a few words about the author. Mr. Lightman was born in United States of America, in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1948†¦show more content†¦Who wants to study and make money if he will not live longer than a few months? A sense of liberation envelops everyone. People pay their bills with smile, because money is losing its value, and they settle their differences with a shrug because there is nothing to worry about anymore. They do not seem to mind that the world will soon end, because everyone shares the same fate. A world with one month is a world of equality. Among the stories, there is an interesting fantasy of a world that has three dimensions instead of one. There every moment branches into three futures. A man stands on his fourth-floor balcony. Should he go to the womans house in Fribourg? Should he visit her? These questions torment his mind. Then the time divides into three. In one of the worlds the man decides not to see her again. He keeps to the company of men. He works hard at the pharmaceutical, where he hardly notices the female assistant manager. In three years he meets another nice woman. She makes love to him very slowly, over a period of months. They marry, they live quietly, grow old and contented. In the second world the man decides to meet the woman. He goes to her house in Fribourg. They sit on the couch and his heart pounds. They make love, loudly and with passion. After some time he moves to her place. She tramples him andShow MoreRelatedDaydreams Essay: Exam Question1127 Words  | 5 PagesDaydreams A day dream is defined as ‘a series of pleasant thoughts that distract one’s attention from the present’. In my opinion, a daydream is not a frivolous activity practiced only by a doe eyed schoolgirl during an unendurable French lesson. A daydream acts as a subconscious portal which allows one to escape from ones everyday life of stress and negative circumstances. One could almost say it is chewing gum for the mind. Of course, some differ in that view. A critically acclaimed authorRead MoreThe Great Albert Einstein Essay1517 Words  | 7 Pagesorganize and formulate the most complex equations and designs, making light of problems previously thought to be impossible. Einstein’s education, life experiences, and â€Å"freethinking ability contributed to his success and ability in his life.†Albert Einstein, to this day is still one of the most accomplished and respected mathematician/ inventor in the world. Einstein’s journey was one filled with challenges, discoveries, and many accomplishments. On March 14, 1879, Albert Einstein was born inRead MoreEssay about einstein524 Words  | 3 Pages He was the embodiment of pure intellect, the bumbling professor with the German accent, a comic clichà © in a thousand films. Instantly recognizable, like Charlie Chaplins Little Tramp, Albert Einsteins shaggy-haired visage was as familiar to ordinary people as to the matrons who fluttered about him in salons from Berlin to Hollywood. Yet he was unfathomably profound  the genius among geniuses who discovered, merely by thinking about it, that the universe was not as it seemed. Even now scientistsRead MoreSalvador Dali and Science Essay1747 Words  | 7 Pages Within the realm of Surrealism, more specifically the surrealist group, they contain works that are overly subjective and involve definite notions to scientific observation of nature, as well as the interpretations of dreams. Encapsulating the former ideas of Albert Einstein, there is a close resemblance to theories that are at the very base of quantum mechanics. Upon further inspection, Salvador Dali’s artistic imagery and methodology, as well as Andrà © Breton’s, could be seen as expressions ofRead MoreThe Time Of Time Traveling1706 Words  | 7 Pagestraveling but thanks to Einstein’s theory of relativity which opened doors to a lot of physicists trying to find ways to travel to the future. Thus, so time travel is a real possibility. For you to believe I must address some issues first. Some people may argue that time doesn’t exist it is just a concept that humans made based on the earth orbiting around the sun so therefore, time travel is impossible. That once was believed to be the case, however, I’d like to point out Einstein’s theory of specialRead MoreSir Isaac Newton And Albert Einstein869 Words  | 4 Pagesdisrespect. At fifteen, he dropped out. After not being able to score high enough on the entrance exam for college, he went to a small Swiss school similar to community college except it lasted for four years. After graduating, he finally went to his dream school, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and fell in love with Physics. For the first time, he graduated with the highest honors. During years of multiple marriages and affairs, Einstein rose to fame in science. During this time, he alsoRead MoreDaydreams Essay: Exam Question1142 Words  | 5 PagesDaydreams A day dream is defined as ‘a series of pleasant thoughts that distract one’s attention from the present’. In my opinion, a daydream is not a frivolous activity practiced only by a doe eyed schoolgirl during an unendurable French lesson. A daydream acts as a subconscious portal which allows one to escape from ones everyday life of stress and negative circumstances. One could almost say it is chewing gum for the mind. Of course, some differ in that view. A critically acclaimed authorRead MoreAlbert Einstein Speech1071 Words  | 5 Pagesreally religious until he read a science book which differed from his beliefs. He was also influenced b67y a guy named Max Talmud who was a medical student who at times had ate with Einsteins family. Talmud tutored him and which at that time he introduced him to a children’s science textbook which started his dream about the nature of light. The book is written by Aaron Bernstein in 1867-1868. When his parents busines s failed a really important contract(also other deals), he had to go to the boardingRead MoreQuantum Theory Of Time Essay1418 Words  | 6 Pagesto be no space between them – and not even time can influence the deep connection. For years physicists have known that Einstein’s equations, and even those of the quantum theory, are â€Å"time-symmetrical†– time plays absolutely no role. There is no forward movement of time. This caused many scientists to question whether time even exists. Indeed, Einstein’s theories of relativity suggest not only that there is no single special present but that all moments are equally real. EinsteinRead MoreMathematical Connection Essay1173 Words  | 5 Pagesuniversities. Hermanns contribution to mathematics involved his addition of a fourth dimension into the three dimensions of space time concept .He worked the concept of the space-time continuum Influenced by Albert Einsteins relativity theory of 1905 and later became the foundation of Einsteins general theory of relativity of 1916. John Von Neumann -(1903-1957) was born in Hungary and studied in Switzerland, Budapest and Berlin. In 1930 he immigrated to the United States to teach at Princeton
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Compare and Contrast Pi and Chuck Free Essays
Josh Monsi English 12/4 Ms. Rock 29 November 2012 There is not one key to survival; no it’s more like the key ring to survival. The first key I want to talk about is strength, but there is more to strength then just the physical strength there is also a need for emotional strength. We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contrast Pi and Chuck or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Its life’s only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life. †Martel, Yann. â€Å"56. † Life of Pi: A Novel. New York: Harcourt, 2001. 203. Print. This is why the mastery of fear can help you survive. Love which is almost an exact opposite of fear but goes hand in hand with hope; alas there are many forms of love that can bring about the needs to survive, this helps Pi and Chuck near the end of the trials. Knowing you are at the top, or that you are the alpha gives you strength and courage to carry on, both Chuck and Pi need to come to this realization in order to survive. This key ring of characteristics does not stop here; I have only a chosen a select few. Although both Pi and Chuck survived they accomplished this feat using the same characteristics but in a unique way differing from the other. Emotional and physical strength will determine your ability to survive as it did in the stories of Pi and Chuck. â€Å"†¦ without mercy. Not caring if we’re healthy or ill. Hungry or drunk. Russian, American, beings from Mars. It’s like a fire, it could either destroy us or it could keep us warm. †. Castaway. Dir. Robert Zemeckis. Perf. Tom Hanks. 20th Century Fox, 2000. DVD. This quote is from the movie Castaway and in a way explains what the lack of physical and emotional strength can do to you. First the physical side of strength, this characteristic helped Pi and Chuck with the physical challenges they faced. Pi’s first major struggle was with hunger; this burden took most if not all of Pi’s strength. The hunger lead Pi to do things and eat things he would have never done in his life if he were not in this situation where he had no other choice. Chuck had a different first physical challenge, this challenge affected him quite a lot in his story and it was physical injuries; constantly he was getting cut by his tools or getting hurt by things he was trying to build, but in any case he was getting hurt and cutting down on his physical strengths. Though these trials are different they both needed physical strengths to overcome their challenges. Emotional strain can cause a person to lose the will to survive or even the will to live. This is more clearly shown when chick is thinking about suicide, his emotional strength was done he no longer had the will to live. Pi didn’t struggle with the thought of suicide like Chuck but instead he emotionally struggled with death. From the ship that went down with his family to the lifeboat with slaughtered animals this all must have been an emotional shock to a boy who cannot even kill a fish without tears. Though the trials of their physical and emotional strengths were different hey both had the strength needed to survive. Strength played another important role in both of their stories when they needed to step up and be the alpha male. â€Å"I had to devise a training program for Richard Parker’s had to make him understand that I was the top tiger and that his territory was limited†¦ †Martel, Yann. â€Å"58. † Life of Pi: A Novel. New York: Harcourt, 2001. 211. Print Pi and Chuck both show the characteristic of being an alpha male, but at the same time show a weakness to something that might be stronger. In the quote above it talks about Pi when he is starting to train Richard Parker the lion, peeing on the boat, and blowing his whistle are a few of the ways that he marks his territory and lets him know he is the alpha. Chuck on the other hand there is not doubt he is alpha, alone on an island he has total control nothing to fear but there is one thing still holding him in place. So in order to survive you need to be an alpha male and both of these characters eventually by the end of survival overcome these two antagonists holding them back. With Pi his antagonist is Richard Parker, but soon he marks his territory and trains Richard Parker and it’s easier sailing from there. Chucks antagonist was the waves; the waves held him back when he tried to escape and left him in fear until he finally had the courage and resources to try again. In both stories the characters survive because they were able to overcome these obstacles and truly be the alpha in their certain situations. A big part that they had to overcome on their path to being alpha was the fear of the task; fear plays an immense role in the story of survival for these two. â€Å"Fear next turns to your body†¦ your jaw begins to gallop on the spot. Your ears go deaf. Your muscles begin to shiver as if they had malaria and your knees to shake as though they were dancing†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Martel, Yann. â€Å"56. † Life of Pi: A Novel. New York: Harcourt, 2001. 203. Print. The fear that Pi has is the same fear that chuck has, though the fear may come in a different form it is something they both have to overcome. One of the reasons these two are able to survive is because of their fear, the fear of pain, of death, this fear is what helps them to push on and survive. Pi describes fear almost like a disease the way it affects you, this fear almost led chuck to suicide and this fear almost influenced Pi to give up his hope. By being able to surpass this fear and suppress it as well chuck doesn’t give up hope and he is soon rewarded by a piece of trash that will help him overcome and pass through that seemingly impenetrable wall of water blocking his escape. For Pi his fear was of living on a raft with a 450 pound killing machine and with good reason, but by overcoming his fear not only is he able to survive but train the tiger as well in order to survive more comfortable. Fear was a necessary characteristic that these two needed in order to survive, but they needed another characteristic to have a ying and yang effect and help them progress, which was love. â€Å"I just want to love God†Martel, Yann. â€Å"23. † Life of Pi: A Novel. New York: Harcourt, 2001. 87. Print, Pi’s love for God helped him understand his trial and that he would just needed to be patient and have hope. I say this about pi to show how love can help you survive; he learned through his love of God to appreciate the little things that did go right and to deal with the big things that went wrong. Chuck had a similar love but this love was for his fiance, he wanted to return to her and he used the wanting to push him to live and to survive. Now fear has the effect for one to be afraid of death or pain; love on the other hand helps a person look at their life and learn to love it. This love of life is just as powerful as the fear of death, these two characteristics make them want to survive and even at the same time help them to survive. This unbeatable mix of characteristics helped Pi stay on a small boat even though death was feet away in striped fur, and it was this same two characteristics that froze Chucks feet in place when he wanted to jump of the cliff and end his life. Even though love may seem like one small key on a big key ring it can help you survive longer than the strongest man without love. This key ring is not complete, I have selected only a few of the keys that Chuck and Pi needed to survive. Their Mental and Physical strength may have faltered at times but they didn’t stop, they didn’t give in to the doubt that filled their minds and they pushed through their trials headstrong. They proved their strength by becoming the alphas; they took the obstacles in their way and faced them head on having the courage to take risk that could end their lives. They feared, they feared the end and were not ready for it to come and they used fear to push them to the limits. They loved thought they loved for different reasons they still loved, Pi with his love of God and Chuck with his love of women pushed through and survived to the end. Although their trials may have been different these two characters utilized the same characteristics to help them overcome their challenges and survive. Knowing that they survived it almost makes you think about your own future and your own set of characteristics, and in a way makes you want to go out there and try to survive and see if you really have what it takes; to be an mentally and physically strong, to be the alpha, to fear death, to love life, but ultimately to survive. How to cite Compare and Contrast Pi and Chuck, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Financial Accounting Detection Techniques †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Financial Accounting Detection Techniques? Answer: Introduction Business intelligence deals with different technologies, applications and practices for the integration and collection of business information. Business Intelligence helps in better decision making (Chen, Chiang Storey, 2012). It further helps the company in collecting data from internal systems and external resources, encompassing a variety of tools and applications. The fraud detection techniques in business Intelligence, different security issues associated with business intelligence, data security and different methods and strategies for mitigating the security concerns associated with Business Intelligence are elaborated in the following paragraphs (Anandarajan, Anandarajan Srinivasan, 2012). Using business Intelligence for fraud detection Fraud is a term to define activities of a person or an organization that have been intentionally done for gaining personal benefits. There are various methods of conducting a fraud and therefore, there must be a process of fraud detection as well. Business intelligence can be effectively used to identify the different fraudulent transactions. BI can help in unveiling the fraudulent transactions persisting in an organization by tracking the trends of the frauds with the help of advanced analytics (Copeland et al., 2012). Furthermore, it helps in detection of manuals and report that does not abide by the pre set standards. Therefore, the usage of Business Intelligence tools helps in pointing at the accuracy of the analyzed data, which helps in identifying the fraud and help in determining the level of fraud conducted (Sharma Panigrahi, 2013). Data Security in BI Business Intelligence is a catchphrase for next generation data warehousing. While data warehousing focuses on data integration, business Intelligence is concerned with the governance of data. Therefore security in BI is utmost essential. In order to achieve data security in BI, timely information gathering of vulnerabilities, accessing of threats and responding to an attack with appropriate measures are necessary. Risk prioritizing is another essential step for nursing data security in BI. Risk prioritization is a process of rating the risks according to the severity and vulnerability of the threats according to the applicable standard and regulations (Minelli, Chambers Dhiraj, 2012). Security issues associated with Business Intelligence The security issues associated with Business Intelligence are listed below (Chen, Chiang Storey, 2012)- 1) Business Intelligence can trigger targeted cyber attacks as different company analyses raw data for effective decision making, which in increases the number of security risks. 2) Breach of data is most common in the Business Intelligence as the different data are mined by the organization for analyzing the trends and frauds. 3) Social networks and Business Intelligence go hand in hand, as different data from these networks are collected and analyzed for business purposes. 4) Business Intelligence is largely dependent of cloud computing as the big data stores in cloud is mined for analyzing. This involves different security risks and issues, which includes data loss, modification of data and so on. 5) Business Intelligence may not be used by certain organizations appropriately, which may give rise to different security risks. User adoption is poor which results in certain risks. 6) Certain BI tools do not live up to the hype resulting in fetching incorrect data. Security Methods and Strategies The methods and strategies for ensuring data security in Business Intelligence are listed below (Kimball et al., 2015) 1) Encryption: Encryption is a process of converting information into an unreadable form of information in order to prevent unauthorized access. 2) Authentication: Authentication is a process of proving or showing something as true and genuine. Multiphase authentication is a process of securing a data by different techniques such as fingerprint authentication, security questions and security code of 4 to 6 digits. This helps in limiting the access of the data only to authorized persons (Boyd Mathuria, 2013). 3) Access control or knowing the person who is accessing the data is another important methodology for mitigation of risk in BI. 4) Furthermore, the use of both logical and physical security helps in protecting the confidentiality of the data. Physical security includes installation of CCTV and maintaining manual records. Logical security deals with safeguarding the documents with the help of user identification, passwords and authentication. 5) Tiered data protection and enabling multilayered security is another effective means of data security in BI. Conclusion Therefore, from the above discussion it can be concluded that the process of BI deals with the integration of business processes and operations, which further helps in effective decision-making. The report discusses the different security risks and concerns associated with BI and the process of mitigation of the risk. Different BI tools are effectively used for detection of fraudulent transaction and further help in effective decision-making. References Anandarajan, M., Anandarajan, A., Srinivasan, C. A. (Eds.). (2012).Business intelligence techniques: a perspective from accounting and finance. Springer Science Business Media. Boyd, C., Mathuria, A. (2013).Protocols for authentication and key establishment. Springer Science Business Media. Chen, H., Chiang, R. H., Storey, V. C. (2012). Business intelligence and analytics: From big data to big impact.MIS quarterly,36(4). Copeland, L., Edberg, D., Panorska, A. K., Wendel, J. (2012). Applying business intelligence concepts to medicaid claim fraud detection.Journal of Information Systems Applied Research,5(1), 51. Kimball, R., Ross, M., Mundy, J., Thornthwaite, W. (2015).The Kimball Group Reader: Relentlessly psychology Tools for Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence Remastered Collection. John Wiley Sons. Minelli, M., Chambers, M., Dhiraj, A. (2012).Big data, big analytics: emerging business intelligence and analytic trends for today's businesses. John Wiley Sons. Sharma, A., Panigrahi, P. K. (2013). A review of financial accounting fraud detection based on data mining techniques.arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.3944.
Monday, March 23, 2020
John Updike And Individualism Essays - John Updike, Individualism
John Updike And Individualism John Updike wrote many books and short stories. Many of his characters resembled people he knew or they reflected his views on what was going on in America (Interview 75-79). They expressed his views on the value system that people lived by. One of these ideas was individualism. Individualism has not always been present in society. Up until the late 1960's, people accepted whatever was happening around them. Very few stood up for themselves or for others. Many people wished to, but were too afraid to speak up. They had to find other ways of expressing what they really thought. John Updike's idea of individuality expressed through the character of Sammy, in "A&P," closes the gap between the 1950's value system and today. To be an individual is characterized by many things. An individual knows how to think for themselves. They strive for independence and put their needs in front of others. If something is considered, "the thing to do," they will steer in the opposite direction. An individual wants to be seen differently from the rest of society. They want to have uniqueness unlike any other. Conformists, on the other hand, are people who thrive on being accepted. They wear the trendy clothes and put a group's best interest ahead of their own. They act in whatever way is acceptable to the group they wish to be apart of. Conformists tell people what they want to hear rather than speaking their own mind. They are prisoners within themselves. They are monotonous and carry on the same way day in and day out. Conformists are amusing due to their lack of thought. Sammy recognizes this when he refers to the shoppers as, "The sheep pushing their carts down the aisle" (Literature 13). In the late 1950's, individuality was rarely seen. People wanted to be just like their neighbors. They moved into houses identical to those all around them. Men always wore suits and ties and women wore dresses. People did everything to please society and keep their status equal with those amongst them (Stata 1-2). Communism was a scare to our country during this time. No one wanted their neighbor to think they were a communist. This added to their desire to be accepted. If they were not accepted they would be, not just disliked, but ostracized. Due to this, they all became conformists. They lived by the silent laws of conformity, which pushed for everyone to be the same. "Conformity was the measure of popularity as well as moral rightness" (Short 6). In today's society individualism is greatly enforced. We have been told since our sandbox days to be different. Do something new and exciting to get recognition. We want notability for ourselves. We don't want to be like the guy next door. The American Dream has changed since the 1950's. Today people strive to be rich. They want to be able to top their friends and family when it comes to material. Money is what matters. Each person has to try a new way to achieve this dream of money, which pushes him or her to seek individuality. This will help them learn what makes them different and use it to rise above. The value system of today let's people grow within themselves. It does not hold them back as it did in the 1950's. As Updike once said, "Something quite nice has happened to the American spirit" (Interview 78). Sammy was definitely an individual. He stood up for what he believed in and never backed down. He didn't care what his boss thought in regards to his quitting. He was making a statement. This was very uncommon in the 1950's. People did not quit their jobs over a decision made by a superior that had no affect on them, but Sammy did. He quit because he felt that the treatment the girls received was unnecessary. He also put forth his individualism when his boss questioned what he said. He could have easily taken back his words. Instead he went through with quitting his job. In his eyes, "Once you begin a gesture, its fatal not to go through with it" (Literature 16). Updike knew well of the 1950's and all the good and bad that came from that decade since he lived through it. He never knew that how he had Sammy think, act, and feel would be how the teenagers of the future would be. Sammy's character in "A&P" showed the type of person that the teenagers of today
Friday, March 6, 2020
Neanderthal Burials at Shanidar Cave
Neanderthal Burials at Shanidar Cave The site of Shanidar Cave is located adjacent to the modern village of Zawi Chemi Shanidar in northern Kurdish Iraq, on the Zab River in the Zagros Mountains, one of the major tributaries of the Tigris River. Between 1953 and 1960, the skeletal remains of nine Neanderthals were recovered from the cave, making it one of the most important Neanderthal sites in western Asia at the time. Shanidar Cave Chronology Shanidar cave itself measures about 13,000 square feet (1,200 square meters) in area, or 75x75 ft (53x53 m) square. The mouth of the cave today measures about 82 ft (25 m) wide and about 26 ft (8 m) tall. The site deposits are about 46 ft (14 m) thick, which excavator Ralph Solecki divided into four major cultural layers, each separated by what Soleckis team recognized as discrete discontinuities. Layer A: Neolithic to ModernLayer B: Mesolithic to Pre-Pottery NeolithicLayer C: Upper Paleolithic or BaradostianLayer D: Middle Paleolithic or Mousterian Neanderthal Burials at Shanidar The lowest, oldest, and most substantial levels at Shanidar are the Mousterian levels, which represent a period of time when Neanderthals lived there about 50,000 years ago. Within these deposits were discovered nine human interments, at least some of which were deliberate burials. All nine of the burials at Shanidar were found beneath a cave rockfall, but the excavators were absolutely certain that at least some of the burials were purposeful. During the 1960s, that was a shocking statement to make, because Neanderthals were not considered humans, certainly not thought to be capable of caring for their dead. Considerably more evidence for Middle Paleolithic burials has since been recovered in other caves sites- at Qafzeh, Amud, and Kebara (all in Israel), Saint-Cesaire (France), and Dederiyeh (Syria) caves. Shanidar Burials Some of the skeletons from Shanidar exhibit evidence for interpersonal violence among Pleistocene hunters and gatherers, a level of violence also attested at El Sidrà ³n in Spain. Shanidar 3, a well-preserved adult male skeleton, had a partially healed injury to a rib. This injury is believed to have been caused by sharp force trauma from a stone point or blade. This is one of only a few known examples of Neanderthal traumatic injury from a stone tool- others include St. Cesaire in France and Skhul Cave in Israel. Experimental archaeology investigations by American archaeologist Steven Churchill and colleagues suggest that this injury resulted from being shot by a long-range projectile weapon. The skeleton known as Shanidar 1 was an older adult male, who survived a crushing fracture to his left eye socket, and the loss of his right forearm and hand. Archaeologists Erik Trinkaus and Sebastien Villotte believe this individual was also deaf, based on the presence of bony growths in his ears. Not only do these skeletons exhibit interpersonal evidence, they also indicate that Neanderthals cared for individuals who had been handicapped. Dietary Evidence Shanidar was the focus of early floral analytical studies, which presented what became a controversial interpretation. Soil samples taken from sediments near the burials contained an abundance of pollen from several kinds of flowers, including the modern herbal remedy ephedra. The pollen abundance was interpreted by Solecki and fellow researcher Arlette Leroi-Gourhan as evidence that flowers were buried with the bodies. However, there is some debate about the source of the pollen, with some evidence that the plant remains may have been brought into the site by burrowing rodents, rather than placed there as flowers by grieving relatives. Recent studies by palynologists Marta Fiacconi and Chris Hunt also suggest that the pollen found in the cave is not dissimilar to pollen found outside of the cave. Microscopic studies of the calculus deposits- also known as tartar- on teeth from the Neanderthals at Shanidar found plant remains of several starchy foods that made up the inhabitants diet. Those plants included grass seeds, dates, tubers, and legumes. Some evidence suggests that at least some of the consumed plants had been cooked, and preserved starch grains from wild barley were also found on the faces of some of the Mousterian tools in the cave as well. Archaeology History The original excavations were conducted in the cave during the 1950s directed by American archaeologist Ralph S. Solecki. Later investigations of the site and on the artifacts and soil samples recovered from the site have been conducted by Trinkaus among others. Locally, Shanidar was until recently inhabited by Kurdish shepherds, but now it is managed by the local antiquities service and has become a popular Kurdish tourist destination. Sources Churchill, Steven E., et al. Shanidar 3 Neandertal Rib Puncture Wound and Paleolithic Weaponry. Journal of Human Evolution 57.2 (2009): 163-78. Print.Cowgill, Libby W., Erik Trinkaus, and Melinda A. Zeder. Shanidar 10: A Middle Paleolithic Immature Distal Lower Limb from Shanidar Cave, Iraqi Kurdistan. Journal of Human Evolution 53.2 (2007): 213-23. Print.Fiacconi, Marta, and Chris O. Hunt. Pollen Taphonomy at Shanidar Cave (Kurdish Iraq): An Initial Evaluation. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 223 (2015): 87-93. Print.Henry, Amanda G., Alison S. Brooks, and Dolores R. Piperno. Microfossils in Calculus Demonstrate Consumption of Plants and Cooked Foods in Neanderthal Diets (Shanidar III, Iraq; Spy I and II, Belgium). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108.2 (2011): 486-91. Print.Nadel, Dani, et al. Earliest Floral Grave Lining from 13,700–11,700-Y-Old Natufian Burials at Raqefet Cave, Mt. Carmel, Israel. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110.29 (2013): 11774-78. Print. Trinkaus, Erik, and Sà ©bastien Villotte. External Auditory Exostoses and Hearing Loss in the Shanidar 1 Neandertal. PLoS One 12.10 (2017): e0186684. Print.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Researched Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Researched Argument - Essay Example However, the success of the industry is not free of blemish. In the year 2010, a study approximated the number of users of the drugs non-medically and therefore without prescriptions as 7.0 million which represented 2.7 % of the American population (Drugs and Corbett et al.). The drugs abused by the American population range from pain relievers, and stimulants to sedatives and tranquilizers. The extent of the abuse has seen the addiction of some people to the drugs. The blame for this scenario lies in the pharmaceutical companies that influence the medical practice through the use of misleading commercials and making payments for medical practitioners and experts. However, we should delve into the use of alternative medicine in preference to the prescription drugs to reduce the wrongs that have resulted from the marketing of the drugs. Misleading advertisements Some of the companies that make the prescription drugs that are common in everyday life use misleading statements in their p roduct marketing to create the view that their products are better (Weber 98). The promotion of Darvon, a prescription drug intended for pain from surgery and fractures was studied with the results painting a clear picture of this argument. The promotional literature said the drug was better than aspirin. In the study, the opinions of physicians were reviewed. Although the physicians claimed to base their opinions on science, almost half believed the statement used in the drug’s promotion despite the fact that no results showed this to be true ("Drug Company Gifts to Doctors"). As such, the promotion of the drug misled the physicians into viewing the drug as the best option. Therefore, the reliance on prescription drugs due to the opinion of the physician should be avoided as they may be misled. Influence of medical practitioners The pharmaceutical companies are trying to strengthen the circulation of their drugs by influencing the medical practitioners to have preferences fo r their medication (Weber 47). This is done through the provision of little gifts to the physician. A case in the American Medical Association journal provides an illustration of this. The case describes an insect bite patient who has gone to the hospital to seek attention. An intern made a sensible decision to prescribe penicillin, which would be an inexpensive and suitable treatment. However, the resident thought otherwise prescribing a treatment that was more â€Å"modern†and describing the patient as â€Å"severely†ill. This option would cost the patient $183 for every day he received the new and modern antibiotic ("Drug Company Gifts to Doctors"). However, after some digging into the issue by the house officers’ supervisor who doubled up as the attending physician, it came to light that the resident’s decision was influenced. A drug representative of the drug company had wined and dined the resident prior to the developments. This shows that the re sident’s and some physicians’ decisions were not based on the best choice of treatment as they are influenced by gifts by the drug companies which adopt these as part of their marketing strategy. In some cases, the gifts to the practitioners are monetary. This is evidenced by stories published in the New York Times. In one article, there is a report of the federal law for health care requiring disclosure of payments to medical practitio
Monday, February 3, 2020
Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 13
Essay Example Names are vital representation of one’s self and therefore, it can be correctly assumed that people would like to have names which can be a catalyst to their personal and professional success. Korwitt’s target market is primarily the segment that strongly believes in nameology. People, who are going through tough times and continuously face obstacles in their personal and professional lives, are also hugely motivated to change their names for a brighter future. Thus, Korwitt’s business is focused towards the people who are superstitious and have strong inclination to embrace non traditional concepts to improve their current situation and resolve dilemma that may be detracting them from success in life. Although Korwitt’s business is unique in its perspective, she nevertheless faces challenges from the people who are into astrology. Some of the products, especially from far-east countries like India and China, which are believed to bring good tidings, are becoming increasingly popular amongst the western population and therefore, they can also be considered as threat to Korwitt’s
Sunday, January 26, 2020
An Environmental Analysis Of Russia Economics Essay
An Environmental Analysis Of Russia Economics Essay In Russia by 2010 Despite a projected decline in population of 10 million. Middle class is rising and it reached 4 million adult and children. .this population influenced by western taste therefore their demand is premium,higher quality and increased convenience from the retail sector.therefore food industry has storng need to fullfill this demand by introducing veriety of higher quality innovative products(such as healthy snacks and healthy juice drinks) Market It is estimated that Russian grocery market will reach $186 Billion USD by 2010 which will be good for WBDs future in the juice and dairy market . In city centres especially, supermarkets are also selling foods.So that by 2010, 45% of it will be sold there as compared to 28% in 2006 . According to these figures the future of totally depends upon supermarkets and strategic customers Globalisation Now a days whole world is globle village. With an increase in globalisation, there is decrease in unemployment and resultly increases in disposable income; the Russian consumer market is very attractive for global players. In recent years, Wal-Mart, Marks and Spencer, and other Global retail chains have started their businesses in Russia, however,only 6 are International food retailers and 25 are currently. Dangers If we look at future there are a number of areas of concern for WBD. Politically, Russia continues to be uncertain, volatile and governmentally restrictive . Corruption is also an ongoing limitation for organisations . According to SWOT analysis present threat for WBD is that if it expend widely, then it will be more chances to corruption and political influence. External Factors Political In recent years, Russia has been undergoing a substantial political transformation from communist party rule and a centrally controlled economy to a pluralist democracy and a market oriented economy. The Russian political system is vulnerable to the populations dissatisfaction with reform, as well as to social and ethnic unrest. Russian politics will see increasing authoritarianism and statism in economic policy. Corruption at all levels of society will present considerable constraints to economic development. Increasing statism in economic policy is hindering growth. The slow pace of institutional change (and other factors) will lead to decreasing of growth economy. Over regulation, uncertainty and corruption remain serious problems. War with Chechnya; bomb attacks from Chechen militants in Moscow and other cities Economic Despite the political influences the Russian economy will continue to stabilise, and the GDP is expected to rise annually. Steady growth in house hold income and the increase in spending power of middle class will have a positive impact on the economy. Western companies are investing in the markets like Russia will boost the economic conditions. Russian consumer market continues to grow, helped by decreasing inflation and consistent growth in GDP, as well as rising personal and disposable income levels, declining unemployment and developing western life-styles. Russia has experienced acute financial and economic distress. The Russian economy has been characterized by declining industrial production, significant inflation, rising unemployment, and an unstable currency, Economic factors also include high government debt relative to gross domestic product, high levels of inter-company debt and high levels of corporate insolvency. Driving away from resource-driven export economy towards domestic demand for goods and services. Social The population of the Russia is decreasing day by day due to the increase in number of diseases and act of violences in the country. The government has set strict the rules regulations for the immigration. The political and economic changes in Russia in recent years have resulted in substantial social issues, including crime, labour and social unrest, and claims of official corruption. This segment has a taste for westernised affluence, so is demanding higher quality, premium, healthy products and increased convenience from the retail sector. There is a strong need for organisations to address this demand by supplying more innovative products of higher quality to the market (such as premium-range yogurts and healthy snacks). Russia is a huge consumer market with a population of 142 million. Urban Russia accounts for 73% of the total population, containing 85% of all purchasing power. The Russian grocery market is highly fragmented and there is no retailer covering or dominating the whole country. The top 25 retailers, out of which there are currently only 6 international players reached a combined market share in a population that is becoming more affluent and a middle class that is growing steadily, consumers will increasingly equate high prices with high quality Legal The Russian legal system is characterized by Inconsistencies between and among laws, Presidential decrees, and Russian governmental, ministerial and local orders, decisions, and resolutions and other acts; Conflicting local, regional and federal rules and regulations. The lack of judicial and administrative guidance on interpreting legislation. The relative inexperience of judges and courts in interpreting legislation. A high degree of discretion. Land in Russia is also taxed by the local authorities, and prices have risen dramatically over the last few years. Technological Main communications across Russia are by air and rail. Road system not well developed. Nearly 1Mn km of roadways. Retail market has developed faster than the infrastructure needed to support it, meaning that delivery reliability is poor. Low level of technology and time-worn operational methods. Environmental Wide natural resource base oil, gas, coal Agricultural pollution, soil contamination from chemicals, radioactive contamination, groundwater contamination from toxic waste, abandoned stocks of obsolete pesticides. Much of country lacks proper soils and climates (either too cold or too dry) for agriculture. Government has illicit crop eradication programme. Growth in Bio-fuel crops is placing pressure on arable land for food production.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
British Prime Minister
From the year 1905 to the year 2008, there are already 24 prime ministers who have ruled over as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (United Kingdom Prime Ministers 2008). As of the present times, the position is occupied by Gordon Brown. The power that is being held by the prime minister has been passed on from one hand over the next for the past 103 years. The source of power is an important factor in analyzing the role of the prime minister and the way through which a deeper understanding of how it is maintained can be seen.The distinctiveness and the constant replacement of the prime minister over the course of their existence in the British government have to be related to the dynamics of power together with its source in order to explain why and how it is held by the people in position. This paper aims to draw a concept of power and identify whether there is an informal and formal side of power. This is done through a research using different literatures and also draws upo n personal opinion in order to provide a critical position on the general topic of power.This is followed by a discussion of the power that is exercised by the prime minister, more specifically that of the United Kingdom. The sources of power, according to the conventions, arrangements, and constitutional devices are also researched in order to relate this to how the power is earned and maintained. In order to do this, the experiences of the past prime ministers are studied and collected to form a historical overview of how the power to govern as a prime minister is taken and maintained. What is Power?In understanding the concept of power, it is important to take note of its definition and the characteristics that are associated with it. Morgan (2006) defines it to be â€Å"the medium through which conflicts of interest are ultimately resolved [and] influences who gets what, when, and how†(p. 166). In relation to this, it is seen that power occurs with the picture of social reality drawn by the members of a particular group and the need for the allocation of the scarce resources (Pfeffer & Salancik 2003).There is a relation that can be seen from the two definitions wherein it could be derived that the person or the group which has the power defines the resources that are considered to be of limited amount. Along with the possession of power is the ability and influence for particular resources together with its allocation. In addition to this, the seat of power is defined by the individuals making up a group. Politically speaking, power is seen to be a means through which sharing occurs in the process of making decisions (Fahlbusch, Bromily, & Barrett 1999).In the context of the government, the decision-making process meanaaas the formulation of the policies, which include government action or inaction. Further disparity is seen with the use of power as there are two faces seen for it. It is seen as an instrument through which peace and status quo can be achieved (Fahlbusch, Bromily, & Barrett 1999). On the other hand, it remains to be very susceptible to abuse that includes â€Å"misuse, excess, and tyranny†(Fahlbusch, Bromily, & Barrett 1999: 311)Two additional and related definitions of power is provided by Shortell and Kaluzny (1997) where it is seen that power is: 1) something that is used in order to change the course of action or behavior of another group or individual and 2) the influence that is exerted in order to force another person or group to do something that is in opposite to the original decision. There are certain elements that can be clearly seen from these definitions of power. First, it is seen that it may or it may not transcend through a hierarchical structure and is not dependent on the way through which positions in the organization is patterned.This is because the direction from which the power stems can be anywhere who can actually accomplish the two conditions mentioned above. However, it can b e seen that there is, actually, a greater chance for those who occupy higher positions to have power and use it because of the capabilities and responsibilities that is attached to the position. Second, it is a means of initiating change. To a certain extent, it can be seen that change is often associated with leadership as the latter is associated with two characteristics which include being â€Å"masters of change†and â€Å"visionaries†(Fisher 1999: 138).It can be related that since there is a sense of change in every leader, it can be seen that power is something that is used for the purpose of leading people into making several changes for a particular goal that is intended. It should be noted, still, that leadership is not the same as management and may or may not lie within the formal organizational structure. Third, power is sometimes associated with coercion and the use of force in order to achieve something.Though this is oftentimes seen and accepted in nega tive terms, it should be considered that this is not the sole aspect of power. In fact, there are different types of power that is classified according to their sources and coercion is only one of the elements that can be seen from one or a few of these types. A discussion with regard to this is placed in the following section. Sources of Power There are five general sources of power as presented by Cronkhite (2008). The classification includes reward power, coercive power, legitimate power, referent power, and expert power (Cronkhite 2008).First, reward power exists where loyalty and cooperation is earned in exchange for something that is needed (Cronkhite 2008). Second, coercive power involves the ability to take away something that is considered to be of value when the behavior or action desired is not achieved (R. Denhardt, J. Denhardt, & Aristigueta 2001). Third, legitimate power, placed in simple terms, is considered to be the type of power which stems from the position that i s being held wherein people are made to follow and act in consideration of the organizational structure, which indicates the position (Bob, I.Asherman, S. Asherman, & Randall 2001). Fourth, referent power is the type wherein power is gained through association with a powerful group or persons (Timby & Smith 2007). It could be of the inherent power of the organization to which a particular person belongs that makes other people behave in a particular manner Lastly, expert power is that which is derived from the â€Å"special knowledge, skill, or ability†that a particular individual possesses (Cottam, Uhler, Mastors, & Preston 2004).The Role of the Prime Minister There are several roles that need to be fulfilled by the British Prime Minister being the national leader. The breadth of responsibilities include â€Å"constitutional and procedural, appointments to ministerial and other senior posts, conduct of Cabinet and parliamentary business, the organization and efficiency of government, the Budget and other economic decisions, and special foreign and defense functions†(Mayne 1999: 26).As can be discerned from the list of general roles taken by the Prime Minister, there are functions which are legislative and executive in nature. The Prime Minister’s presence and control is felt when it comes to policy formulation, which is in the decision-making process, and in policy implementation, which is the executive functions of the prime minister. For example, he or she has affairs to deal with in the decisions made but also has defense functions, which is under the executive branch of the government.Another set of classification is also provided by Borthwick, Shell, and Williams (1995) wherein the Prime Minister is vested with responsibilities as the primary individual responsible for the operations of the government, the head of the party to which he or she belongs, and the leader of the whole nation. There are different specific tasks that need to be accomplished in consideration of the different interests of the people to whom the prime minister is accountable to.It is also defined by Hayward and Menon (2003) that a seemingly prime ministerial government exists in Britain wherein the â€Å"prime minister co-ordinates policy, resolves conflicts, and controls the main resources†(67). In the definition previously provided in an attempt to clarify the concept of power, it has been shown that the elements of power include possession of control in resources, an influence in the decision making process, and a voice in the resolution of conflict.These are the three elements that could also be discerned from the functions and roles of the prime minister that are presented by Hayward and Menon (2003) and Mayne (1999). It can be concluded that the set of functions given here characterize the existence of power within the hands of the Prime Minister and the sources can be both formal and informal, as is followed in the defini tion of power in general. Where it all Comes From There are different sources of power that can be seen from the history of prime ministerial incumbency in Britain.Through the intricate network of relations formed from the organizational hierarchy of the government, it can be seen that there are three general sources of power that includes the conventions, the constitutional devices, and the arrangements that are present in the British government. From personal characteristics also comes a consideration of whether or not a particular individual is given the power to serve as the Prime Minister.There are four characteristics, which include: 1) the name and status in the society or an organization together with what an individual can do; 2) perceived affiliation with success in terms of politics; 3) acceptance of the public; and 4) a relatively high position in the â€Å"party, parliamentary party, and government†(Poguntke & Webb 2005: 37). While these can not be considered as the direct sources of power, it serves as among the characteristics that are seen as bases whether power is given to an individual or not.This is important because these are requirements or prerequisites that are seen to be the main characteristics of the people that are vested with the powers of the Prime Minister. Likewise, it can be seen that these bases for the acquisition of power is not framed in the Constitution nor is it determined through the formal lines of government but are the shadow elements being considered in the selection process. However, it should also be noted that not everyone who fits these conditions become Prime Ministers.This is because there are other forms of standards are present that limits only one individual to be considered rightful as the Prime Minister. To a certain extent, it can be said that the Prime Minister is considered to be an â€Å"elected monarch†and draws certain powers from the Royal Crown of the land (Borthwick, Shell, & Willia ms 1995). The approval and acceptance of the monarch has been an important factor in maintaining the power that is within the reach of the Prime Minister.Over the years, the manner through which the monarch is selected has evolved in such a way that in the beginning, it is the personal affiliation of the person to the monarch that mattered but in the twentieth century, it became the credentials and appropriateness of the person that is considered by the monarch (Borthwick, Shell, & Williams 1995). While today’s monarch do not hold as much power and influence as those that existed in the past, they are still given the chance to voice out their concerns over the affairs of the government especially with the selection of the key leaders of the country.It has been through traditional considerations and the influence that the monarch has that renders them to still be powerful for certain decisions made in the country. In addition to this, the Prime Minister is tasked to report to the monarch every week in consideration of the monarch’s possession of â€Å"the right to be consulted, the right to encourage and the right to warn†(Williams 1998: 165). There are still powers and rights that are given to the monarch that the Prime Minister could not ignore and should continuously take into account for the former could easily use its power against the Prime Minister.In addition to this, it is argued by Harrison and Boyd (2006) â€Å"that the major development strengthening PM power over the last century have been mainly political rather than constitutional (34-5). Politically speaking, the power of the Prime Minister is related to the party that wins in the House of Common, which is considered to be a source of power for the Prime Minister (Borthwick, Shell, & Williams 1995). The largest party wins in the House of Common and the person who serves as the leader of the said party is appointed as the Prime Minister with the approval of respective autho rities in the land.Just the same as the Prime Minister reports to the monarch, he or she is likewise responsible to the House in lieu of the need to maintain the power that is vested upon him or her. There are several expectations that need to be fulfilled as a Prime Minister that would continuously be within the shoulders of the incumbent. Moreover, another source of power for the Prime Minister is the assignment of being the First Lord of the Treasury where the two positions are often associated with one another (Goodnow 2005). The responsibilities of the said office give the Prime Minister another area from where his or her power could stem from.Conclusion Power is considered to be the influence in the decision-making process, the control over the resources, and the force exerted over the behavior and actions of other people. In general, there are five sources of power that is categorized according to how power is attained and maintained. Placed in the context of the British gove rnment, power is considered in the roles of the Prime Minister. There are general roles that are fulfilled by the individual who is incumbent to the said position, which is being the head of the state, government, and the parliament.The powers of the Prime Minister are also earned through the monarch and the positions assigned of him or her. There are different limitations to the extent of control exhibited by the monarchy today but it remains to be ingrained in the British society and it can still place several pressures on the Prime Minister and the power of the same. In addition to this, there are also personal characteristics that are held as important for the position. Indeed, the powers of the Prime Minister stem from different sources, which are both formal and informal.The broad range from which power is sourced out is considered to be an implication of the need for a clear delineation of the powers and functions of the British Prime Minister. List of References Bob, P. , As herman, I. , Aherman, S. , and Randall, J. (2001) The Negotiation Sourcebook. Amherst, MA: HRD Press. Borthwick, R. L. , Shell, D. , and Williams, R. (1995) Churchill to Major: The British Prime Ministership Since 1945. NY: M. E. Sharpe, Inc. Cottam, M. , Uhler, B. , Mastors, E. and Preston, T. 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Friday, January 10, 2020
Psy 600
1 Running head: PEER REVIEWED ARTICLE SUMMARY Peer reviewed article summaries PSYCH/600 Developmental Psychology March, 11, 2013 2 Running head: PEER REVIEWED ARTICLE SUMMARY Peer review article summaries Many peer reviewed articles were interesting to me; however the three that really stood out in mind is socioeconomic status and child development, Psychology and Aging: The first 20 years, and Child development. These journals stood out I taught about how it could relate to my live and adolescents at my job.Psychology and aging: The first 20 years speaks about how the aging process through the years of life has change and a few traits are still actively the same as the years went by. One characteristic that remains the same is representation of the broad spectrum of research on the development and aging. Another further type of diversity in Psychology and aging that was mention is the geographical diversity of the how the authors reviewers. Another history of the psychology and agin g process has strived to be broadly inclusive with respect to specific domains of adult development and aging process.Theoretical orientation is applied thrust of the work methodology. Early issues spoke about the basic aspects of cognition, perception, and memory. Socioeconomic status and child development talked about the differences of high and low in families. Through this article it speaks on how children from low-SES families are more likely to experience some form of growth dysfunction. It also shared how children from low –SES families were born prematurely and with some sort of birth defects. 3 Running head: PEER REVIEWED ARTICLE SUMMARYCognitive and academic attainment relationship between SES and low families’ studies has shown that children who come from poverty and low parental education are associated with lower levels of school achievement and IQ later in childhood. As for the highest SES group was shown 25 points higher than the mean of the lowest SES g roup. The link between SES and children’s social and emotional well-being is not always consistent as to cognitive attainment. There is substantial evidence that low- SES children more often manifest symptoms.Another peer reviewed article is socioeconomic status and child development, this topic remains to be interesting it speaks on child development and how children well-being is represents in three domains. Cognitive the intellectual and academic competence and how the child learning behaviors develop as they grow into an adult. Socioemotional development speaks about the social and emotional well-being is not as consistent as the cognitive attainment. The low-SES children more manifest symptoms of psychiatric disturbance and social functioning.The strength of the relationship between SES and mental disorders varies by type of disorders and race. In summary these three articles all share the information and studies that I found relatively interesting. 4 Running head: PEER REVIEWED ARTICLE SUMMARY References: Bradley, R. , & Corwyn, R. F. (2002). Socioeconomic status and child development. , (), Rose, T. Z. , Haley, W. E. , & Blanchard-Fields, F. (2006). Psychology and Aging: The first 20 years. , (), Bradley, R. H. , & Corwyn, R. (2002). Socioeconomic Status and child development. , (), .
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Character Of Romeo Montague in William Shakespeares...
The Character Of Romeo Montague in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Romeo is one of the main characters in Shakespeare’s play â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†and is portrayed as a tragic figure, who is guided by his destiny. Shakespeare initially introduces Romeo to be a romantic sentimentalist, who is over-obsessed with his own emotions. Romeo, however, loses these personality traits towards the end of the play, and becomes more mature after falling deeply in love with Juliet. His love for her is strong and over-whelming, and Shakespeare vividly represents this by dramatic visual moments throughout the play, culminating in the tragic climax of Romeo’s suicide, to join with his Juliet in death.†¦show more content†¦This is one of the many themes that Shakespeare provides to suggest foreboding early on in the play. The omen is ambiguous as it firstly implies Romeo is worrying about something that will not happen and is generally nervous about arriving uninvited. However, it could imply that in going to the Ball, he will meet J uliet, which will cause drastic events to happen, and eventually lead to both their deaths. This is one of the main themes during the play and is successfully entwined in Romeo’s script to introduce foreboding to the audience without the character realising it. He disregards the omen, and continues with his friends to the Ball. On arrival, he seeks Rosaline, but his attentions rapidly divert to Juliet Capulet, â€Å"She seems to hang upon the cheek of night†displays Romeo’s persona to be fickle and to have a fluctuating nature. He had before thought Rosaline to be beautiful, but now he sees Juliet as the most beautiful woman in the world. This is one of the more romantic traits of Romeo, and Shakespeare uses many metaphors and similes in Romeo’s speech and successfully interlaces them to represent the poetic and child-like wonder that Romeo experiences when he sets eyes on Juliet. Romeo’s role is consistent throughout as ‘The Romantic Lover’,Show MoreRelated William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay1690 Words  | 7 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Although the story of Romeo and Juliet is over 500 years old, it is as relevant and appealing today as it was when first performed. Although dated, the story of Romeo and Juliet still holds great appeal and relevance to today’s society, despite the differences in morals and values between William Shakespeare’s audience 500 years ago, and Baz Luhrmann’s audience today. The arising issues of order and authority, fate and love entertain/ed and appeals/edRead MoreAppropriation Of Romeo And Juliet1135 Words  | 5 Pagesunderstand William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. This is why director Baz Luhrmann created a modern film appropriation of the classic text called Romeo + Juliet. 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