Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Joseph Conrads Views On Colonialism Essay - 1502 Words
What redeems it is the idea only. An idea at the back of it; not a sentimental pretence but an idea. Those who read me know my conviction that the world, the tempered world rests, notably, on the idea of Fidelity. This is a running theme through most Conrads books. As a sailor he learned that to survive, every crewman did the job he was assigned, and that the survival of the ship, and therefore the community, depended on each man doing his duty. The heart of darkness can be read as a political critique of western imperialism as exercised by the Belgians, who more or less raped the Congo of its resources while brutalizing the countrys people and making them slaves of unbridled political avarice. At the time Heart of†¦show more content†¦The bitterness of Marlows recollection demonstrates Conrads own strong bias against colonialism, which he wants to impart to the reader According to Marlow, such barbarism cannot be justified on any grounds; however it can be compensated for by a legitimate and just cause behind it. Colonialism to him was Just robbery with violence, aggravated murder on a great scale It was not an exchange of resources, but a cruel and unjust domination and usurpation of the resources of the weaker party by the stronger, in this case the usurpation of the natives ivory by the pilgrims. The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much The Europeans were a so-called cultured and sophisticated race whose professed aim was the betterment of the African lot. The resources at their disposal, their culture, their food, and their finances, none of these were transferred to the Africans in order to improve their living standard; instead all concentration was focused on getting as much wealth out of the land as possible, even at the cost of the lives of the natives. Had the purpose behind this unjust domination been something worthwhile, the sins of the pilgrims might have been atoned for. But there is no such purpose; no moral betterment,Show MoreRelatedEssay on Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness1276 Words  | 6 PagesIn the present era of decolonization, Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness presents one of fictions strongest accounts of British imperialism. Conrad’s attitude towards imperialism and race has been the subject of much literary and historical debate. Many literary critics view Conrad as acceptin g blindly the arrogant attitude of the white male European and condemn Conrad to be a racist and imperialists. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Military s Customs And Courtesies - 1503 Words
The military has an extremely copious amount of traditions and methods of conducting its activity. The older ones around are undoubtedly the military’s rules, and regulations on custom and courtesies. The following RBI will serve to describe the importance and significance behind the military’s customs and courtesies. These traditions are fundamental to military life. The seven army values are also a large aspect of where military behavior and practices stems from. The customs and courtesies we abide by, govern our actions with and without uniform. More specifically they govern our behavior in professional, and social interactions. In the military, there are many special situations not found in civilian life, which require a certain way of†¦show more content†¦Some customs not regulated by a regulation are as follows†¦ No excuses No jumping the chain of command If you don’t know the answer â€Å"I will find out SIR/SGT†is expected. Not â€Å"I don’t know†, or â€Å"Ummm, I think†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The superior ranking service member gets the better accommodations. Superior ranking service member does not have to clean, or do details Courtesies are traditionally defined as the showing of politeness in one’s attitude and behavior towards others. Military courtesies are defined as the manners and politeness in interacting with other military members. Courtesies are in accordance with displaying respect for both subordinate, and senior service members. Military courtesies are one of the first skills learned in basic training. This instils it in every soldier, sailor, marine, airman, and coast guardsman as an integral part of military service. One of the reasons why this is so critical is due to the interrelationships that must be created to accomplish the mission at hand. People from all walks of life are to interact and work together, or against each other towards a goal. Having a standard for interacting with others serves to eliminate many negative encounters that may come about. Mutual respect though at times lacking, is extremely important as well. No matter what rank, sex, or race all military personnel must have a basic level of respect for their fellow brothers and sisters in arms. SomeShow MoreRelatedMilitary Customs1519 Words  | 7 PagesMilitary Customs and Courtesies In the Army and throughout every branch there are certain customs and courtesies that every soldier and military member must follow in order for there to be order and discipline on a daily basis. Customs and courtesies are put in to place to show respect for Non Commissioned Officers and for Officers of all rank. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Identified Event Project
Question: Task 1 1. Write a report on the benefits of carrying out an identified event or project within an agreed time scale in order to meet the need of the project 2. List all the documents that are required for such an event using your experience as an event planner to evaluate and analyse the importance of these documents 3. In your report you must ensure that resources that are required for this event are listed and their benefits to the project/event are discussed and documented within your report 4. The final part of your report should give a critical analysis of how reviews and evaluations including the methods and resources were carried out Task 2 Your Report has been successful and you have convinced the Director and Board members to put on the event/project. Your next task is to present to the board your plan of action. 1. In your report you will document how you will Set up the Project, choose the completion date and allocate responsibilities 2. Detail within your report what leadership, effective time management skills will be necessary to pull such an event /project off 3. Assess and document the significance of stakeholder analysis when formulating new strategy 4. Take corrective action if necessary to keep the project on schedule and document this in your report Task 3 When working on putting on a project, it can never be successful without a team, whom manage different parts of the project for it to come together as a whole successfully. Therefore you are also required to document the following: 1. Choose the Appropriate size team and document each persons role writing down what skills this person has in adding value to the project, and hence why you choose that person to play that role 2. Document within your report what types of team building and conflict management skills are required when diffusing anger 3. Detail methods of co-ordination and communication used, and why you believe they were the most appropriate methods. Do not forget to include documents i.e. minutes of meeting, emails, telephone call logs etc. 4. What, why and how are resources going to be used in order to ensure the project is a success? Task 4 1. Create clear records of communication both internally, externally and of team meetings. 2. Document where use of information technology has been used 3. Produce information clearly, regularly and on time documenting when and what was produced. Answer: Task 1 1) Benefits of carrying out the identified event within the agreed time for meeting the needs of the project According to the outlook and opinion of Sadgrove (2015), the benefits of the event project focuses towards the completion of the project work within specified period. It focuses on the completion of the careers fair as well as the satisfaction of the students for whom the event will organize. The better the project will provide services to the customers, the more they will be satisfied. So, the better will be the publicity of the organization for managing the events in future. It will, therefore, increase the reputation of the organization along with the profits. The employees will retain to the maximum extent. 2) Documents required for such events as event planner along with analyzing the documents Conger (2015) commented that documentation of the essentialities and requirements are essential for the event manager to know from the clients. It is due to that the better the event manager will be working on the clients demand and making it fulfilled, the more the proportion of satisfaction will increase. The documents essential are for making the entire organization work based on it. The reasons behind the occurrence of the event are the type of decorations; the companies invited, the students those are enrolling their names are all included in the documentation. Moreover, the time of completion of the event also specifies for a good organization of the event (Reijers et al. 2015). 3) Resources that required for the event There are certain reasons for making the entire organization work accordingly for organizing a good event for the satisfaction of the customers. From the outlook and opinion of Carroll and Buchholtz (2014), the team members required for the event are the managers for overall monitoring of the entire event. The companies is therefore contacted and invited for joining the careers fair for providing advice to the students like Joe for choosing the correct career path. 4) Critical analysis of the reviews As commented by Hart (2015), the event organizer analyzes the reports as well as evaluations those carried out in the career fair. The companies dealing with marketing, legal, financial and operations called for the students like Joe seeking for career guidance. Other than this, the students names along with their skills and qualifications enrolled to see which company and job profile will be matching with them. Task 2 1) Documentation of the plan and allocation of responsibilities From the outlook and opinion of Meyr et al. (2015), the careers fair is held in the city of Leeds and the companies related to several occupations invited. The students are also invited from every corner of UK to join the careers fair. Moreover, for setting up the careers fair at the University of Leeds, the companies and enrollment of the students necessary. Other than this, the careers fair is to e held for four days from morning 8 am to evening 5 pm. It will be held from 5th November 2015 to 9th November 2015. As commented by Jennings et al. (2015), the staff members of the organization have to enroll the names of the students along with their skills and specializations. Then, accordingly, the students are sent to the companies that go best with their skills. 2) Essentiality in the project The overall time management is necessary that helps in the completion of the project within specified period. The effective time management helps in the overall management of event within specified period and with effectiveness in time (Webster, 2015). A good leadership is necessary for the conduction of the event in time. Necessary supply of water, cleanliness of toiletries, etc. helps in the completion of the project. 3) Assessing and documentation the significance of the analysis of the stakeholder For formulating the new strategies, the stakeholder analysis helps necessary that helps in understanding the need and requirements of the careers fair. Other than this, it also helps members in the management of the team along with its staff members for completion of the project in specified period (Hatten, 2015). The new strategies help in the utmost completion of the project in time and with fruitful results. 4) Corrective action for documentation of the project The project helps in scheduling the overall activities of the project in time. It also fully documents the students involved along with the organizations those have taken part in the project completion (Strumickas and Valanciene, 2015). It also helps in taking the overall project completion in time along with the essential requirements and resources for completing it. Task 3 1) Documentation of the team along with the roles The stem size for organizing the event is of twenty people along with the manager. The five members of the team engage them in enrolling the organizations name along with the members coming for representing the organization. These people have the skills of marketing (Sadgrove, 2015). Other than this, the other five people specializing in operations take care of the computers and laptops provided to the students as well as the organizations. The next five people from the financial department responsible for enrolling the student names and the money provided for joining the event. The last four people and the manager overall check the event planning and also do the monitoring (Ceponiene et al. 2015). 2) Documentation of the types of team building and conflict management skills The team members should have excellent communications within the team along with the excellent management skills. Taking care of huge organizations along with the overall management of the skills also help in effective building of the team (Conger, 2015). Other than this, the anger entering in the teamwork can ruin the entire work. So, the anger management is essential within the team for the effective operation of the event. 3) Methods of coordination and communication Communication being one of the best parts of the organization that helps in the overall management of the system. The communication media are the telephone, emails, calls logs, etc. that helps in the effective documentation as well as communication in the team. It also includes the time allocated for each of the students for having the face to face interaction with the organization (Reijers et al. 2015). It also includes the stipulated time of having breaks between the interviews. Other than this, the emails help in the documentation of the entire project that helps in entire project scheduling and timing. 4) Resources for ensuring the success of project The resources those sending ensure the success of the project as because it will be methodical in nature. Other than this, the resources also help in making the entire project work in the most stipulated way that ensures success. The overall event scheduling and implementation in stipulated time help in the accomplishment of the work in time. Moreover, the human resources of the team that is the team members handle overall monitoring of the event (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2014). It therefore, helps in the overall completion of the work methodically as well as in stipulated time. Task 4 1) Requirement of communication The communication is essential for managing the event. Both internal, as well as external communication with the team members, should be present that helps in making the work methodical in nature. Hart (2015) commented on the essential fact that the internal, as well as external communication, also helps in team meetings to organize the task more beautifully. The communication also helps in understanding the event and the reason behind the organizing it. It also helps in communicating the requirements of clients to all the team members to work accordingly. 2) Usage of the information technology From the outlook and opinion of Slack (2015), the information technology plays an important role in the organizing the entire event successfully. The information technologies such as phones are necessary for calling and messaging the team members for doing the work accordingly. Other than this, it also includes the use of emails where the event manager receives the requirements of the clients. From the event manager, the tasks are segregated among the staff members based on their specialization. So, it is seen that in every step of the organization, the information technology is essential. 3) Documentation of the entire event According to the outlook and opinion of Ceponiene et al. (2015), the information received from the clients is essential and need to be circulated to the team members. The better the circulation, as well as documentation, will be, the more the event will be organized in the better way. The documentation also focuses towards the completion the event management at the time that the client has specified. The documentation also includes the time of completion, the materials required as well as resources that help in organizing the entire work within time. The overall management also included the food items and drinks that will serve at the time. References Hart, C. V. (2015).U.S. Patent No. 9,069,930. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Hatten, T. S. (2015).Small business management: Entrepreneurship and beyond. Cengage Learning. Sadgrove, M. K. (2015).The complete guide to business risk management. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.. Meyr, H., Wagner, M., and Rohde, J. (2015). Structure of advanced planning systems. InSupply chain management and advanced planning(pp. 99-106). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Jennings, C. L., Mishra, R., Nayar, T., and Russell, L. W. (2015).U.S. Patent No. 8,984,119. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Webster, L. (2015).An evaluation of the feasibility of setting up an event interior specialist business in cardiff(Doctoral dissertation, Cardiff Metropolitan University). Conger, S. (2015). Six sigma and business process management. InHandbook on Business Process Management 1(pp. 127-146). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Slack, N. (2015).Operations strategy. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. Strumickas, M., and Valanciene, L. (2015). Research of management accounting changes in Lithuanian business organizations.Engineering Economics,63(4). Reijers, H. A., Mendling, J., and Recker, J. (2015). Business process quality management. InHandbook on Business Process Management 1(pp. 167-185). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Ceponiene, L., Nemuraite, L., and Vedrickas, G. (2015). Separation of event and constraint rules in UMLandOCL models of service oriented information systems.Information technology and control,38(1). Carroll, A., and Buchholtz, A. (2014).Business and society: Ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management. Cengage Learning.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Mortal Pursuit Essays - English-language Films,
Mortal Pursuit Trish Robinson- She is a rookie cop that entered the police force for about a week. She has not done very much for her first week being a cop, but today she would never imagine what she had to go through. On the first day of her second week she get yelled at by her captain for being late, so he assigns her to go along with an experienced cop on a night watch. From the very firs minute that the cop meets her, he can tell that she is very special, and he knows that she will become a really good cop. Ally Kent- She is a little girl that is being held hostage at her own home along with her family, and her parent's friends. She is only 15 years old but she is very smart, and very mature for her age. Through out the whole ordeal she quickly becomes a victim and almost gets raped by the headman of the whole operation. Until Trish and her partner come to the house, Ally becomes a really good friend of Trish Robinson. Cain- He is the terrorist that has broken into the Kent household for the evening, him and his killing-crazy buddies have made the house a battlefield. He had plans to rob the Kent's and make a couple of deals with Mr. Kent. Not until Trish Robinson shows up he knows the true meaning of hatred towards another person, but he also learns that it's going to be really hard to get rid of her. PLOT SUMMARY Its just another routine patrol for Trish Robinson and her partner Wald. Everything was going good until they both responded to a prowler watch outside of the Kent estate, in the mean time Cain and his deadly killers are plotting to trap the Kent's and their guests inside their beautiful home. On the way to the Kent's house Wald is reassuring Trish that there's nothing to worry about and that she will be fine, and usually when someone is reporting a prowler outside their home its an animal or something. It makes her feel better, but if they only knew what they were really getting into. They come to find that the Kent's are being held hostage. They kill Wald soon after that, and they put Trish in the trunk of the patrol car and dumped both of them in the lake. Somehow Trish figured out a way of getting out of the trunk, and she just had to go back and rescue everyone, even thought she knew that she could get killed in the process. She especially had to rescue Ally, and only because she reminded Trish of a childhood friend that she had that got killed by Cain, 16 years earlier. Through out the book, her and Ally came really close to getting killed by Cain and the rest of his killers. In the end, they both succeeded and they were able to save everyone that was worth saving. OPINION OF BOOK I really enjoyed this book because at the beginning of the book it was kind of like every other book that you have ever read, and then it started to get really interesting. It was really suspenseful, and it really kept me on the story. It was one of those books that you wish that you had the whole time in the world to actually be able to read it, and actually keep reading it. And it was also one of those books that you wish that they would go on forever, and that they should make it into a movie, but then again all the movies are the same. Other than that I really enjoyed the book, and I recommend it to anyone that likes this kind of book.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Remo And Juilet Essays - West Side Story, Sharks, Maria, Borth
Remo And Juilet Essays - West Side Story, Sharks, Maria, Borth Remo and Juilet There are three ways that remo and juilet are the same and three ways there are differnt.One way is the groups that they are divied into.Another way there are the same is both of the main charters fall in love.The third way they are the same is the fighting.The three was they are differnt are maria didnt die Juilet did, borth place,and the setting. The first way there are the same is they both had groups that they where in.The two groups that they were fighting in,remo and Juilet where the montagooes and the caplets.In westside story the two groups that where fighting were the sharks and the jets.The mantagooes and the caplets where fighting because the famlies didnt like each other.The sharks and the jets where fighting because the jets wanted the sharks off there turf. The second way there are the same both of the main harters fall in love.In Remo and Juilet are the main charters and they fall in love.In westside story the two main charters are Tony and Maria.Remo and Juilet want to be together but ther families are fighting.Tony and Maria want to be together but the sharks and the jets are fighting.Maria is antanos brother and he is with the sharks Tony is with the jets. The third way they are the same is all the fighting that is goning on.The sharks and the jets are fighting.Also the mantooges and the caplets are fighting.The jets want the sharks off there turf because they are puricans and they dont like puricans.The mantoogues and hte caplets are fighting because the two families dont like each other. The first wat they are differnt is the borth place Remo and Juilet and the sharks and the jets.Remo and Juilet took place in Italy.The sharks where born in puardo rico.The jets where in new york.Remo and Juilet and the sharks and the jets where all born in differnt places. The second way ther are differnt is the setting where Remo and Juilet and westside story took place.Remo and Juilet took place in Italy.Westside stroy took place in New York.REMo and Juilet mainly took place in the garden by juilets window.Westside story mainly took place at some tennis courts. Third way they are differnt is that Juilet died maria didnt die.Juilet died because she saw that remo drank some poisn and killed himself so juilet didnt want to be alone so sh drank the poisn and killed herself.Maria wasnt as dumb as juilet when tony got shoot she didnt kill herself she cryed alot.The reason she didnt die was that the buillet missed herv and got tony.Thats how juilet died and maria didnt. In conclusion there are three contrasts that i picked I thought was mainly about the two storys.Maria didnt die,the borth place,and the setting.Also this is why I picked these three comparsions that I thought was manily about the two storys,the groups that they where in,the two main charterfall in love,and all the fighting.This is how they are the same and this ids how they are differnt.
Friday, November 22, 2019
A Person Is Not a They. Neither Is an Army.
A Person Is Not a They. Neither Is an Army. A Person Is Not a â€Å"They.†Neither Is an Army. A Person Is Not a â€Å"They.†Neither Is an Army. By Guest Author So you want to be politically correct, you want to be inclusive, and you would never assume that every nurse and every teacher in the world is a â€Å"she.†Right? Right. But sometimes this worthy thought leads us to perform some very clumsy gymnastics. Consider this passage from a guide for a doctor’s front office staff: Show the patient how to use their medicine. Does this patient have three heads with three mouths through which to ingest medications? Or maybe the patient is using a medication produced by several Big Pharma companies? We can see the impulse behind this absurdity: whoever wrote this document didn’t want to suggest that every patient in the practice was a â€Å"he.†Or a â€Å"she,†unless the doc’ was a gynecologist. But this good intention led to a moment of bad grammar: pronouns need to agree with their nouns. We have several alternatives that honor our desire for inclusiveness without sliding into the ridiculousness. One obvious strategy is simply to make the noun plural: Show patients how to use their medicine. Another is to change the pronoun (his, her, its) to an article (the, a, an): Show the patient how to use the medicine. Or, if it works in the context, we can change the singular â€Å"medicine†to the plural: Show the patient how to use medicines. Each of these approaches allows the writer to make sense without offending anyone’s sensibilities. Remember: in U.S. English, collective nouns are singular: Zappit Electric just raised its rates. (Not â€Å"their rates†) An army travels on its stomach. (Not â€Å"their stomach†) The jury returned its verdict. (Not â€Å"their verdict†) Not so in the Queen’s English: Brits see collective nouns as plural (e.g., The jury returned their verdict). But when you’re writing for a U.S. publisher, corporation, government agencie, and similar entities, take singular verbs and singular pronouns. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Great Opening Lines to Inspire the Start of Your StoryAcronym vs. Initialism20 Slang Terms for Law Enforcement Personnel
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Epicenter and Magnitude of the Earthquake Assignment
Epicenter and Magnitude of the Earthquake - Assignment Example To locate the epicenter of the earthquake, the seismologists examine seismograms from three seismic stations. The seismologists measure the time interval of S-waves and P-waves in about 45 seconds and place the vertical lines at an interval of about 2 seconds. The measured S-P time interval will help to determine waves distance of travel from the focus to the station. It is paramount to note that the actual location of the epicenter is on the circle's perimeter to be drawn around the station. Therefore, to triangulate this position, there must be three seismic stations. A circle with an appropriate radius is drawn around every station and where the three circles intersect is the epicenter of the earthquake.  The seismologists use a well-known Richter scale to measure the magnitude of an earthquake. To determine the earthquake’s Richter magnitude, seismologists require one to know the surface the wave’s amplitude and the distance to the origin of the earthquake at the seismic recording site or location. The distance of the seismic recording and footage station from the epicenter can be determined by getting the time difference between the arrival of the P-waves and S-waves at the station. The difference is called S-P interval. The amplitude of the surface wave depends on the earthquakes magnitude and the distance between the epicenter and recording station. It is a measure of how many millimeters the ground will move at the recording station. The amplitude and S-P interval is then used to determine the Richter magnitude.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Fragile X Syndrome and Its Impact on Children's Language Essay
Fragile X Syndrome and Its Impact on Children's Language - Essay Example The condition, also called Martin-Bell syndrome, is statistically moderate to severe in boys and normally manifests a mild form of impairment in girls. From 15% to 20% of those with Fragile X syndrome (FXS) exhibit autistic-type behavior such as "poor eye contact, hand flapping, and poor sensory skills" (Edelson, 1995, para. 2). Males with fragile X syndrome may exhibit autistic-like behaviors, but it is not a major cause of autism. About 15 percent of persons with fragile X syndrome may meet diagnostic criteria at some point in their lives. The figure above shows the most common fragile X mutation- an expansion of extra DNA within a specific component of the FMR1 gene. In the premutation, the expansion is relatively small, however, in the full mutation the expansion is quite large and is usually accompanied by abnormal methylation. The presence of abnormal methylation leads to decreased production or absence of the FMR1 gene's protein product, called FMRP. The specific function of FMRP in the human brain is currently under study; current evidence suggests it may be involved in the regulation of proteins produced by other genes. Certain physical characteristics can be seen in an individual with fragile X syndrome. ... Other recognizable features are high-arched palate, strabismus (lazy eye), and, sometimes, mild heart valve abnormalities. Blood tests to determine levels of fragile X mental retardation protein can be done to diagnose the condition and several treatments can be undertaken as well as use of mild medications and therapy for speech, language and sensory improvement. Genetic counseling is recommended (Edelson, 1995). In 1991, the fragile X gene (FMR1) was characterized and found to contain a tandemly repeated sequence, and the larger the size of this permutation in a woman, the more risk that full mutation can occur in her offspring (Fragile X: Diagnostic, para. 3). The genotype can be determined more accurately with DNA testing. Full mutation occurs with one in 3,600 males and one in 4,000-6,000 females (Smith, 2006). Various degrees of mutation, however, occur in one in 1,200 males and one in 2,500 females, and testing should be considered in the following cases: Individuals of either sex with mental retardation, developmental delay, or autism, especially if they have (a) any physical or behavioral characteristics of fragile X syndrome, (b) a family history of fragile X syndrome, or (c) male or female relatives with undiagnosed mental retardation. Individuals seeking reproductive counseling who have (a) a family history of fragile X syndrome or (b) a family history of undiagnosed mental retardation. Fetuses of known carrier mothers. Patients who have a cytogenetic fragile X test result that is discordant with their phenotype. These include patients who have a strong clinical indication (including risk of being a carrier) and who have had a negative or ambiguous test result, and patients with an
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Audit Proposal Essay Example for Free
Audit Proposal Essay For more classes visit Management at Kudler Fine Foods now wants to see the proposed audit schedules for the systems analyzed by the team in Week Two. †¢ Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word brief that: †¢ Distinguishes between the types of audits that could be used for each process. †¢ Recommends the audit most appropriate for each process. †¢ Explains how the audits will be conducted. †¢ Identifies events that could prevent reliance on auditing through the computer.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essays --
PFC Hachey The importance of lawful orders Lawful orders are important to the military to keep soldiers safe and out of trouble, lawful orders from an NCO or any one placed above you can be important to complete the mission so it is important to follow and obey them. Lawful orders are what keep the military organized and without order our military could not function as well as it does. Any person subject to this chapter who-- ( 1) violates or fails to obey any lawful general order or regulation; (2) having knowledge of any other lawful order issued by any member of the armed forces , which it is his duty to obey, fails to obey the order; or (3) is derelict in the performance of his duties; shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. Article 92 in the UCMJ makes it very clear that disobedience of orders can be easily punished through UCMJ action. Violation of any order from a NCO or any one placed above the soldier is a violation against the soldiers army values and more specificly his integrity. When a soldier shows lack of integrity and fails to do what is right, only thinking about what he wants, needs to be punished because that is the kind of behavior that we can't have in the army. In todays army there is no room for soldiers who don't follow orders,the army is down sizing and the ones who don't live by the army values will be the first to go. The army is an organization that operates and functions on its values, so it is important that each soldier upholds those values. Soldiers are disciplined yet they still make bad decisions sometimes but There is no excuse for disobeying direct orders. If a soldier doesn't do what he is told or goes against what he is told how are his superiors supposed to trust him to do the right ... ...ially if taking those actions is not popular with others. You can build your personal courage by daily standing up for and acting upon the things that you know are honorable. If Ihad more personal courage Icould have kept myself out of trouble, but instead of standing up and saying no Imade bad decisions and broke the lawful orders given to me. Lawful orders are given for a reason, they are meant to keep each soldier safe and out of trouble they are always in the interest of the army and the mission ahead. When it really matters, in battle every order has to be completed and soldiers are professionals they always place the mission first that means they do what has to be done, what they are told the lawful orders from their higher ups. Lawful orders have created organization in the military for centuries and without them we would not be as successful as we are today.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Poverty and Children in the United States Essay
Poverty is the classification of people that fall under a certain income bracket set by the government. Poverty is broken down in to two groups relative and absolute. Relative poverty is in relation to some people have more where as absolute poverty is considered life-threatening. Poverty affects people of age, race and ethnicity, and gender and family patterns. Each group that is affected typically carries the pattern from one generation the next generation making the social status difficult to change (Macionis, 2006). Although poverty can affect many different types of people those most affected by poverty are the children and women which make up 55 percent of the poor population. There continues to be blame on why people are poor and why they cannot change their lives to do better. Some people believe that it is an endless battle and once poor always poor and it is too difficult to change living situations. Poverty affects children in many ways health, food, shelter, education and exposure to violence. The cause of poverty to children is directly related to poverty in women. The beliefs of the causes of poverty according to the Encyclopedia of Women and Gender (2001), â€Å"Individualistic beliefs focus on personality attributes. These beliefs include irresponsibility, lack of discipline and effort, or lower ability and talent. Structuralistic beliefs incorporate the larger socioeconomic system such as low wages for some jobs, poor schools, prejudice, discrimination, and job availability. Fatalistic beliefs as to the reasons for a person’s poverty status focus on such things as bad luck, chance, and fate.†Most poverty that affects women are those that are single mothers although these women worked they made too much for public assistance but not enough to be able to take care of themselves and their children with proper housing, food, clothing and health care. The lack of health care directly relates to the health of children. When a mother cannot afford health care for herself during pregnancy, health issues are passed to the child. The child is then born with health issues that will continue to go untreated due to lack of health care. The single mother that makes too much to qualify for pub lic assistance, does not make enough to purchase medical coverage for herself and her family (Encyclopedia of Women and Gender (2001). In 1996, policies to the welfare system were changed greatly. Agencies could cut assistance to families without notice. Only women with a child under that age of one were able to get assistance without much red tape. Most states allowed people to be on assistance for a maximum of two years. There were programs designed to help women get jobs and off welfare but federal minimum wage is not enough to support a family. Without welfare assistance women and their children fall back into poverty (Encyclopedia of Women and Gender (2001). According to Duncan, G., Yeung, W., Brooks-Gunn, J., and Smith, J. (1998), there are many factors the most significant is the relation to the paternal social economic status and how it effects to the child’s and adults achievements. Most that is in a poor social status tend to be poorly educated and have children out of marriage which add an extra strain to the families which can result in physical harm to the child. Adults with children that struggle to feed, clothe and house their children are easily stressed and at times react in extreme punishment to the children blaming the child for the situation that the family is currently in. Once children are exposed to domestic violence and violence upon themselves then the cycle usually cont inues from generation to generation. Not being able to break the cycle can be a factor of poor education. Poor education is part of living in poor cities urban and rural. Families that are poor are only accepted by those that are like them, poor. So families that are in these communities seem to be stuck in the social status and cycle. Not knowing how to get out or afraid to get out of that status. If that status is something a person has always known some will not think anything different than that status being a normal way of life. According to Fantuzzo, J., Fusco, R., Mohr, W., & Perry, M. (2007), during violence witnessed by children the perpetrators were more likely to be arrested then times when children were not present. The police officers were concern that it was of great importance to send a message the violence is wrong. When it comes to domestic violence children are likely to have serious issue with development. These children tend to be more withdrawn from others and have poor social skills. There are many agencies that help assist the children in cases where the children are in danger from others. Such agencies are child protected services (CPS). Services such as CPS assist in placing child in home that will help to protect them from violence and neglect. With all of the research that has been done on how violence affects children in poverty there is no accuracy to the full impact of violence and children. According to Koch (2000), â€Å"The child poverty rate has declined slowly since 1993, and the rate of black child poverty is the lowest in history. But 13.5 million American children still live in poverty  the highest rate of any industrialized country. Conservatives attribute the decline to welfare reform, which forced millions of single welfare mothers to go to work. But child advocates like the Children’s Defense Fund say that progress in reducing child poverty has slowed markedly and that cuts in social service programs made the poorest families poorer.†Today the rich still get richer and it seems that the poor continue to get poorer and the children of these poor families are the ones that are suffering the most. Most of the child poverty is in inner cities (urban areas). Families move to urban areas for better opportunities for themselves and their families but it has not improved these families quality of life. These families want to give their children a better chance to succeed by moving to these urban areas but that idea seems to be failing. Some will say that these families suffer from being dependent on welfare dependency but in truth these child suffer because wages are to low and housing is too high for t heir parents to be able to make ends meet and try to get ahead of the system. With welfare assistance these children would not have food to eat and medical care. Welfare assistance assists the parents to help provide for the child when their financial income does not adequately provide for the child (Koch, 2000). The United States is supposed to have the most wealth but with that wealth the United States also has the highest child poverty as illustrated in the above chart (Koch, 2000). Most families that fall in to the poverty level make minimum wage jobs and will never be able to get out of the poverty level. With these families they are usually poor educated which greatly impacts their earnings. Since some families work more than one job to try to make ends meet there is not time to try to better educate them. The children of these families learn from example and will continue to develop the habits of their parents. Working low paying jobs to provide food, clothing and shelter from their children will continue to be the pattern and education will be far down on the list (Koch, 2000). There has been some change to welfare reform law called Charitable Choice, this changes has made it easier for the government to be able to contract religious groups to provide social services to the poor. Many programs have come from this reform like Big Brothers/Big Sisters which is a mentoring program that helps children see a different way of life and have a positive role model to help encourage these poor children to stay in school, go to college and understand that though they may come from poor families does not mean that they have to continue in the path of their parents. These programs help children to gain confidence in the child. These programs also cut first time drug use by half and violent acts by a third. Although faith based organizations cannot replace the government programs faith based organization over lap government programs by 75 percent which include medical aid, housing, help pay bills for heating and water and educational programs to help those get back on their feet to help better provide for their families (Koch, 2000). Poverty affects everyone not just the people living in poverty. The group that is most affected by poverty is the child. Without proper care and basic needs taken care of these children of poverty will become ill and some of these children die. These children have poor education and many do not stay in school to get there high school diploma. The children of poverty usually drop out of school to help provide for those that are in the home assisting their parents in paying the bills and providing food. These jobs are once again low paying jobs and the cycle continues. Without proper education the pattern will never end, with government assistance and faith based organizations to help these families and mentor their children will help for these children to get out of the poor status and has a chance to get off government assistance in the future. Everyone needs to be aware that although the United States is considered a wealthy country, there is poverty in the United States and the people need to work together to break the cycle and make sure that the child are taken care of, so they can live a productive, healthy and happy life. References Duncan, G., Yeung, W., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Smith, J. (1998). How much does childhood poverty affect the life chances of children? American Sociological Review, 63(3), 406-423. Retrieved April 4, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Complete. (Document ID: 30936057). Fantuzzo, J., Fusco, R., Mohr, W., & Perry, M. (2007). Domestic Violence and Children’s Presence: A Population-based Study of Law Enforcement Surveillance of Domestic Violence. Journal of Family Violence, 22(6), 331-340. doi:10.1007/s10896-007-9080-4. Koch, K. (2000, April 7). Child poverty. CQ Researcher, 10, 281-304. Retrieved April 4, 2010, from CQ Researcher Online, Macionis, J.J. (2006) Society: The Basics Eighth Edition, Published by Prentice-Hall Poverty and Women in the United States. (2001). In Encyclopedia of Women and Gender: Sex Similarities and Differences and the Impact of Society on Gender. Retrieved from es
Saturday, November 9, 2019
“Blue Remembered Hills” by Dennis Potter Comparison
In this essay I am going to compare my play with two comparatives. The play I performed was a scripted piece called â€Å"Blue Remembered Hills†by Dennis Potter, written in . The other two texts are, â€Å"My Mother said I never should†, by Charlotte Keatley, written in , and â€Å"Blood Brothers†by Willy Russell, written in . My performance was set in 1943, in the West Country, â€Å"in the long summer holiday†. Naturalistic theatre was used, however, although it was about the events of seven children, adults play them all. War, bullying, abuse, aggression and murder are explored within the play. It was aimed at adults, as the issues it broached were in addressed in great depth, and because it was shown through the naivety of children, children would not understand. The play has historical and political context, and the political affairs of the time dictate the dialogue. The period in which it was set is reflected by the constant references to the War and â€Å"the Japs†. The circumstances of the children, as well as historical background can be seen throughout. For example, when ‘Donald' says: â€Å"I be tired out and all, working on those saw mills. I cut me thumb off an all†. â€Å"My Mother said I never should†is about four ‘ordinary' mothers/daughters and is about the social changes of the twentieth century, spanned over four different era's. It is set in a variety of places according to what best represents the era. It is also naturalistic, relating to my performance. It also incorporates the idea of children dealing with adult issues but not understanding, for instance: Rosie Mum's got the curse. (Pause) Maybe we did it! Doris (Pause) What curse? Rosie The curse. Doris Oh. Yes†¦ How d'you know she's got it? Rosie You can tell. Doris How? Rosie Just can. Mum's been cross with me all morning. It's also aimed at adults; adults play children in the production because they also need to play adults in the production as well as children. In this way it was similar to â€Å"Blue Remembered Hills†. â€Å"Blood Brothers†was aimed at a broad audience, adults and children of all classes. It is also naturalistic, but also uses forms such as, narration and song. This detracts from reality but makes it more interesting. And adults play the children featured in the play yet again, linking the three pieces of theatre. It is set in the 50's and 60's, in the city for the first act and the country for the second, so it is of a similar era to the other two pieces. In â€Å"Blue Remembered Hills†, there is no indication what class the children are from, but they are expected to be working class, and perhaps Angela may be slightly wealthier than the others. Similar to this is â€Å"My Mother said I never should†as they are middle/working class too. However, in â€Å"Blood Brothers†the two main characters Mickey and Edward are from two contrasting classes: upper class, and lower class. There is direct conflict between them, though they are naive due to their age yet again, for example, Edward is referred to as â€Å"a friggin' poshy†. It addresses issues such as prejudice, class, money, status, superstition and violence. All three pieces are similar, using adults to play children especially, this is an interesting approach, and allows the playwright to broach more serious issues and adapt them for families or adults. This may detract from reality but naturalistic movements were used, mimicking children helped present the serious issues further.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Sonnet CXVI essays
Sonnet CXVI essays By looking closely at the sonnet, consider to what extent its particular techniques add to the impact of its subject matter. The sonnet Let me not to the marriage of true minds written by Shakespeare is about constant love. There are three quatrains that are about the three stages in true love and a final couplet. The poem is a sonnet because it has fourteen lines in iambic pentameter. In the fourteen lines of the sonnet there are three quatrains and a final couplet. This is the structure of all sonnets. The rhyming scheme was fixed with the pattern of abab cdcd efef gg. The three quatrains were all on the subject of love and how it is kept constant. In the first quatrain Shakespeare uses alliteration with the letter m. He wrote Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments. The m sound is smooth, and makes the beginning of the quatrain be in a relaxed mood and in harmony, so it is like the start of a relationship. Also in this quatrain repetition is used with love, remove and alter. These also make the poem sound smooth and also secure because words are used twice. Using repetition also reinforces the idea of constancy, which is like the love in this sonnet. In quatrain two the main technique is metaphors, using sea imagery. Shakespeare says love is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken. He is comparing love to a lighthouse, as however stormy the sea is for ships, the lighthouse will always be there to guide them, and even though in a relationship there may be arguments, there will still be love. With a similar idea Shakespeare says, It [love] is the star to every wandering bark. He is saying that a star guides a lost ship in the right direction, this is like love, which guides people and shows them the direction they need. Throughout the third quatrain there is an e ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Life Expectancy in Every Country
Life Expectancy in Every Country The list below indicates estimated life expectancy of every country as of 2015, according to the U.S. Census Bureau International Data Base. Life expectancy from birth on this list ranges from a high of 89.5 in Monaco to a low of 49.7 in South Africa. The global average life expectancy for the entire planet is 68.6. Here are the top five highest life expectancies and the five lowest life expectancies: Highest Life Expectancies 1) 89.5 years - Monaco 2) 84.7 years - Singapore (tie) 2) 84.7 years - Japan (tie) 4) 83.2 years - San Marino 5) 82.7 years - Andorra Lowest Life Expectancies 1) 49.7 years - South Africa 2) 49.8 years - Chad 3) 50.2 years - Guinea-Bissau 4) 50.9 years - Afghanistan 5) 51.1 years - Swaziland Life Expectancy by Country Afghanistan - 50.9Albania - 78.1Algeria - 76.6Andorra - 82.7Angola - 55.6Antigua and Barbuda - 76.3Argentina - 77.7Armenia - 74.5Australia - 82.2Austria - 80.3Azerbaijan - 72.2The Bahamas - 72.2Bahrain - 78.7Bangladesh - 70.9Barbados - 75.2Belarus - 72.5Belgium - 80.1Belize - 68.6Benin - 61.5Bhutan - 69.5Bolivia - 68.9Bosnia and Herzegovina - 76.6Botswana - 54.2Brazil - 73.5Brunei - 77.0Bulgaria - 74.6Burkina Faso - 65.1Burundi - 60.1Cambodia - 64.1Cameroon - 57.9Canada - 81.8Cape Verde - 71.9Central African Republic - 51.8Chad - 49.8Chile - 78.6China - 75.3Colombia - 75.5Comoros - 63.9Congo, Republic of the - 58.8Congo, Democratic Republic of the - 56.9Costa Rica - 78.4Cote dIvoire - 58.3Croatia - 76.6Cuba - 78.4Cyprus - 78.5Czech Republic - 78.5Denmark - 79.3Djibouti - 62.8Dominica - 76.8Dominican Republic - 78.0East Timor (Timor-Lest e) - 67.7Ecuador - 76.6Egypt - 73.7El Salvador - 74.4Equatorial Guinea - 63.9Eritrea - 63.8Estonia - 74.3Ethiopia - 61.5Fiji - 72.4Finland - 79.8France - 81.8Gabon - 52.0The Gambia - 64.6Georgia - 76.0Germany - 80.6Ghana - 66.2Greece - 80.4Grenada - 74.1Guatemala - 72.0Guinea - 60.1Guinea-Bissau - 50.2Guyana - 68.1Haiti - 63.5Honduras - 71.0Hungary - 75.7Iceland - 81.3India - 68.1Indonesia - 72.5Iran - 71.2Iraq - 71.5Ireland - 80.7Israel - 81.4Italy - 82.1Jamaica - 73.6Japan - 84.7Jordan - 80.5Kazakhstan - 70.6Kenya - 63.8Kiribati - 65.8Korea, North - 70.1Korea, South - 80.0Kosovo - 71.3Kuwait - 77.8Kyrgyzstan - 70.4Laos - 63.9Latvia - 73.7Lebanon - 75.9Lesotho - 52.9Liberia - 58.6Libya - 76.3Liechtenstein - 81.8Lithuania - 76.2Luxembourg - 80.1Macedonia - 76.0Madagascar - 65.6Malawi - 53.5Malaysia - 74.8Maldives - 75.4Mali - 55.3Malta - 80.3Marshall Islands - 72.8Mauritania - 62.7Mauritius - 75.4Mexico - 75.7Micronesia, Federated States of - 72.6Moldova - 70.4Monaco - 89.5Mongolia - 69.3Montenegro - 78.4Morocco - 76.7Mozambique - 52.9Myanmar (Burma) - 66.3Namibia - 51.6Nauru - 66.8Nepal - 67.5Netherlands - 81.2New Zealand - 81.1Nicaragua - 73.0Niger - 55.1Nigeria - 53.0Norway - 81.7Oman - 75.2Pakistan - 67.4Palau - 72.9Panama - 78.5Papua New Guinea - 67.0Paraguay - 77.0Peru - 73.5Philippines - 72.8Poland - 76.9Portugal - 79.2Qatar - 78.6Romania - 74.9Russia - 70.5Rwanda - 59.7Saint Kitts and Nevis - 75.7Saint Lucia - 77.6Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - 75.1Samoa - 73.5San Marino - 83.2Sao Tome and Principe - 64.6Saudi Arabia - 75.1Senegal - 61.3Serbia - 75.3Seychelles - 74.5Sierra Leone - 57.8Singapore - 84.7Slovakia - 76.7Slovenia - 7 .80Solomon Islands - 75.1Somalia - 52.0South Africa - 49.7South Sudan - 60.8Spain - 81.6Sri Lanka - 76.7Sudan - 63.7Suriname - 72.0Swaziland - 51.1Sweden - 82.0Switzerland - 82.5Syria - 75.6Taiwan - 80.0Tajikistan - 67.4Tanzania - 61.7Thailand - 74.4Togo - 64.5Tonga - 76.0Trinidad and Tobago - 72.6Tunisia - 75.9Turkey - 73.6Turkmenistan - 69.8Tuvalu - 66.2Uganda - 54.9Ukraine - 69.4United Arab Emirates - 77.3United Kingdom - 80.5United States of America - 79.7Uruguay - 77.0Uzbekistan - 73.6Vanuatu - 73.1Vatican City (Holy See) - No permanent populationVenezuela - 74.5Vietnam - 73.2Yemen - 65.2Zambia - 52.2Zimbabwe - 57.1
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 116
Summary - Essay Example Along period indeed, Inna come face to face with the brother, but fails to recognize him at first; his hair had gone grey and seemed shorter. Above all else, the life that the brother lives back home is but a complete contrast of what she expected from a working family, as evident from the brother’s dressing code; ‘a brown raincoat fit only for picking mushrooms, worn out shoes and a small suitcase.†From a warm, hearty welcome, Inna goes ahead to show her love for the brother and his entire family, walking his brother from one place to the next in Americas. The brother’s visit would soon turn into a shopping expedition, with the brother â€Å"pushing shopping carts the size of an airplane hangar.†Grisha obsession with shopping soon became unbearable, leaving her lonelier and drying her little resources capped on a five year contract than she had expected; a sharp contrast of the childhood experience she had longed to rekindle. A visit that was highly awaited turned into an exploitative nightmare, with the sister wishing that the brother would leave as soon as time would permit. Inna is indeed relived as he leaves for home, but is sad and feels like crying for the ordeal that his own sibling did put her
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Rape Myths and Rape Prevention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Rape Myths and Rape Prevention - Essay Example The double standard essentially holds that what is good for the goose is not good for the gander. In the context of rape myths and prevention, the double standard applies when a person believes they do not owe to somebody else the same consideration they themselves expect to receive. That sentiment can become dangerous when a man or woman believes that they can take what they want from another person, including sex, regardless of what they would allow someone else to do to them. Media portrayals can have both positive and negative repercussions, and can be hugely influential on people of all ages and stations in life. In particular, young people can be easily swayed and molded by what they witness in the media, be it magazines, internet, or other outlets. For example, young women are constantly accosted by pictures of skinny, pretty supermodels and may be led to believe that they need to look and act the same way in order to be accepted.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
US health care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
US health care - Essay Example These statistics show that most deaths are related to poor policies in relation to access to health care and quality of health care. Disease like heart disease and cancer can be mitigated and cured if discovered at an early age. The shocking revelation by Dr. Barbara Starfield clearly indicates there is a problem with our medical practitioners. More deaths occur in the hands of medics than in accidents. The figures are alarming and require a policy change. The government is trying to cover the deficit by introducing policies and new strategies like the Obama health care that targets affordable health care for all citizens. The ever-rising medical care insurance premiums contribute immensely to the rising cost of health care. In the year 2013 the inflation rate in United states of America rose by 2%. However healthcare premiums surged by a whopping 8%. The absurd increase in premiums makes the health care cost continue to increase despite incentives by the government to try to cushion its people. The high cost of hospital care also plays a big role. The cost is in terms of wages for the medics, high cost of medical equipment and drugs. The coast of new technology is also high increasing the coast of medical care. In United States of America over 36% of the hospitals, use the robotic surgery, which is quite expensive. The costs of this procedure are passed down to the patient (Kavilanz, 2012). The rising cost of health insurance premiums in the USA has affected many people and even employers. The Uninsured person in USA is due to the hard economic times and growing trend by employers to opt not to insure their workers. The above fact is attributed to the high medical premiums that are increasing each day. The employers opt to employ people on a casual basis to avoid paying their medical premiums (Cutler, 2013). The medical future of the Uninsured person is oblique due to an increase in pay cuts, in the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Financial Analysis Report Hyatt Finance Essay
Financial Analysis Report Hyatt Finance Essay This report is prepared to analyse the financial statements for Hyatt Hotel Corp. I have analysed three years Balance Sheet and Income Statement for the year 2009 to 2011. An introduction has been provided with the key data of Hyatt, its geographic spread, market, brands, strategy and a brief history is covered. Income Statement Analysis is performed followed by various financial ratios, profitability ratio, solvency ratio, liquidity ration and activity ratios has been calculated and compared for the years 2009 to 2011. A discussion on how well the Hyatt has performed with in the industry has been provided. Its performance is benchmarked with two other industry leaders, Accor Hotels and Marriott Hotels. Some of the issues identified are discussed in conclusion. All the findings are supported with data available from the financial statements. Balance sheet analysis is done and various ratios have been discussed in details. Hyatts performance is evaluated for the year 2009, 2010 and 2011. At the end a conclusion is made followed by some recommendations to buy, sell or hold on the investment is provided. HYATT was established in 1957 by Mr. Jay Pritzker, after acquiring Hyatt House Motel located near Los Angeles International Airport. Hyatt became a public company sector company in 1962 as both Pritzker brothers Jay Donald expanded the family business into North American Management Hotel ownership country. Hyatt became the global hospitality leader after its Launching of innovatively designed Hyatt Regency Atlanta in 1967. Hyatt is now named as Hyatt Hotels Corporation after Hyatt International Hyatt Corporation was conjoined in to one company and operating for Pritzker Familys interest (Hyatt 2013). Hyatt believes in expansion, innovativeness diversification this represented by its 9 competitive brands owning 500 properties which are globally spread around the world into 46 countries. (Hyatt 2013). Each brand is designed uniquely to offer a distinguished experience of Food Beverages, ambience and services to the guests. It is their attitude and personalized touch that makes the stay memorable. Park Hyatt which is known for its luxury sophistication has a spread of 30 hotels in major gateway cities of America, Europe, Africa Middle East, and Southwest Asia Asia Pacific. ANDAZ as the name suggests has a unique design and at the same time has insights of local neighbourhood. The company has 9 hotels under this brand. Grand Hyatt has huge infrastructure and spectacular design, with innovative concepts of food and beverage. It is preferred brand for grand weddings, convections and meetings. Hyatt brand has 28 properties. Hyatt Regency is aimed for business travellers convention travellers, equipped with most of modern technologies and guest friendly atmosphere. Hyatt Place is ranked no. 1 select service brand by Business Travel News 2012 Survey, it has a wide range of 172 properties in United States and Costa Rica. Hyatt House was formerly known as Summerfield Suites and is designed in residential size to make the guest feel at home as it offers extended stay in all their 54 properties. Hyatt Resorts are all located at the vacation destinations thus they are well known as beach resort, mountain resort, dessert Resort etc. they are most conveniently constructed with all the leisure around to make the tour relaxing and adventurous. Hyatt Vacation Clubs are time share properties which offers ownership to the members to enjoy access to any Hyatt Vacation club in addition to their home destination, Hyatt entered into vacation ownership in 1994(Hyatt 2013). Hyatt has partnership with 19 diversified non profit organisations and contributes them in their various activities; this is a part of their social responsibility. Hyatt has identified specific market segments and their competitors in order to make their services the best and customer friendly, like introducing Web Check in for any Hyatt properties, various spas and leisure activities at tourists and business properties, has identified requirements of amenities by guest feedback and introduced it. The company understands that customer satisfaction is totally dependent on employee satisfaction in a service industry and their asset is their work force, therefore Global Hyatt was awarded as 2011 Best place to work. Hyatt has also been awarded as Best Elite program in Asia-2012 for boosting their guests loyalty through Gold, Diamond and Platinum memberships. This strategically planned program offers complimentary stays and services; this ensures higher frequency of their guests. One of i ts major introductions of competitive strategy is ANDAZ which is an eco friendly brand and an intelligent innovativeness to decrease the carbon footprints. Hyatt accomplishes it mission and goals by Diversity and Inclusive Framework for building and focusing on their work place, work force and market place (Hyatt 2013).Hyatt has 60 individual spas with the original concept of healing with water and it introduced its spa in 1972, in Indonesia. This is a strategy of diversification and expansion. Hyatt plans to introduce an Eco Track web based tool for monitoring Hyatts environmental impact by gathering monthly data of their environmental goals, it aims to start full fledge by 2015. This would include reduce energy consumption, water consumption, green house emission and waste sent to the landfills in comparison to 2006 levels. Hyatt Union Square in Manhattan along with restaurants of One Five hospitality group is in pipeline for April 2013, besides that Andaz Tokyo, first Andaz Hotel in Japan is to open in 2014. Park Hyatt Mallorca is the first Hyatt hotel in Mallorca, an island in Mediterranean for which Hyatt has entered into an agreement with Spanish real estate company. Moreover Hyatt plans for expansion and growth in the competitive hospitality industry by diversification and innovativeness (Hyatt 2013). Income Statement Analysis How has the group performed? In last three years of Hyatts performance (year 2009 to 2011) review I can state that its sales has been increased each year, the increase is not constant but each year has shown overall increase from the previous year as shown in Appendix-I Profit Loss Statement of Hyatt. The % movement (sales) of year 2009, 2010 and 2011 is 6, 5 and 11 respectively. From the last three years of review, it can be said that the performance indicators are showing a positive upward trend for the company (Hyatt 2013). The percentage movement of rooms in the year 2009 was not very promising for the company but the positive trend of sales improved the room % movement for the year 2010 and 2011 as 4.1 and 8.5 respectively. The average occupancy data supports the increase in sales for years 2009-2011. For the said period average occupancy is 65.7, 70.9 and 72.5. (Hyatt 2013) REVPAR defined as revenue per available room has shown an upward increase from year 2009 to 2011 ($103 to $122) refer to the values in Appendix-I Profit Loss Statement of Hyatt. The companys revenue has been on steady increase as per REVPAR. The average room rate (ARR) often known as average daily rate (ADR) has been on increase in the last three of review. The ADR or ARR for the said years are $157, $163 and $169 for the year 2009, 2011 and 2011 respectively. The % movement increase for the years 2009 to 2011 is 4% to 7.6%. The company has seen a growth of REVPAR despite some of its properties were under renovations during the period 2009-2010 as mentioned in the annual report of the company. From its North American Management and Franchising, the companys revenue has increased due to the increase in franchisee and other fees increased due to improved profitability across the portfolio. Hotel industry/companies are evaluated in terms their ability to generate profits on sales, known as profit margin. Poor pricing and sales volume can bring down the profit margin. The gross profit for the last three years of the company has increased from $579 to $741 thereby increasing the gross margin % from 17.4% to 20%. This shows that the company has been performing well and its management has control over its expenses. The net profit has fell sharply in the year 2009 which is -$43. This sharp fall was due to the high operating expenses and low operating income, added to it was low equity earnings and high interest expenses. Net profit shows a rapid upward trend in the year 2010 and 2011 i.e. $66 and $113. This was due to the high operating income at hand and low interest expenses. This indicates that the company has recovered from losses and looks more promising in the year 2010-11. The net profit margin of the company has increased from negative to positive value showing profitable growth earnings for the company. The net profit margin for the last three years is -1.29%, 1.87% and 3.06%. Benchmarking of the Company (Hyatt): The benchmarking of the company is performed with two of industry leaders named Accor Hotels and Marriott Hotels. Various financial ratios are compared for the years 2009, 2010 and 2011. Profitability comparison of two industries: ROA: Hyatt has shown a better return on assets or in other words a better profitability of hospitality industry (-0.65) as compared to Accor (-2.3) and Marriott (-5.3). The performance of Hyatts has been steady and its profitability has increased in three years term to 1.53%. In the year 2011, Hyatt is under performing as compared to Marriott but better than Accor which has ROA of 0.60% as shown in following graph: Fig 1 In the year 2010, Accor has a very high ROA followed by a sharp fall in year 2011, which indicates that very high fluctuations of ROA possess a higher risk of instability of the company. ROE: Another key ratio is return on equity which compares the net income of the companies with owners investment. Hyatts ROE has shown a gradual increase for the last three years. Compared to Accor and Marriott in the years 2009, it was the best investment company in hospitality. In 2010, Hyatt has shown a gradual increase of 1% on ROE as compared to Accor and Marriott which has shown a very sharp rise of 100% and 29% respectively. A company with a higher ROE is a better investment than one with a lower ROE since it has a stronger ability to generate cash flows internally; however, this is not completely accurate. Looking at the Accor and Marriott for the year 2010, they show a high ROE values, but the following year they have shown a greater investment risk as compared to Hyatt, the graph below represent the same. Fig 2 EBIT: Lower EBIT ratio means the company is less capable of meeting its liabilities. If the ratio is 1.5 or less, then it is considered a high risk and its ability to meet its interest expenses may be questionable. As compared in 2009, Hyatt is not performing well as compared with Marriott whose EBIT is 3% as compared to Hyatts -0.09; however, in 2011 the situation is upside down. Hyatt is performing well as compared to Marriott. The EBIT of Hyatt is -2.49% whereas Marriott stands on -12%, refer to the graph below: Fig 3 After analysing various financial ratios between three groups of hotels, I have analysed that, Hyatt has performed better and shown constant improvement in recent three years, whereas Accor and Marriotts have shown huge up and downs throughout, which describes these groups have less stability. Balance Sheet Analysis The total assets of Hyatt have shown an upward movement for the year 2009 to 2011 from $7,155 to $7,507 or in other words, the percentage movement of total assets has a sudden rise from 1% to 5% for the year 2009-2011. This is due the fact that the total non-current assets have increased from $5,146 to $5,916 even though the current assets have decreased from $2,009 to $1,591 for the said period. Looking at the current assets trend the financial perform has taken the downward trend from year 2009 to 2011. This downward trend of current assets has raised the questions about how quickly the company can meet its liabilities if the need arises? Combined with the non-current assets of the company the overall movement is upward. The reason for the increase in total assets is the year 2011 is due to the high increase in property equipment assets; refer to the Appendix-I Balance sheet of Hyatt. (Hyaat 2013) Current ratio of the company shows its liquidity power, in other words, liquidity ratio analyse the company ability to carry out its short term obligations. For companys liquidity ratio for the year 2009, 2010 and 2011 are 4.06, 3.63 and 2.8 respectively. High current ratio in the year 2009 and 2010 indicates a high risk as management was not investing the companys assets productively to grow the revenue in 2009-10. This also means that the company has too many idle assets not being invested. Total current liabilities has increased from year 2009 to 2011 from $495 to $568, this is mainly due to the Accrued expenses increase for the year 2011 from $188 to $306. The total current liabilities movement has taken a sharp dip from 20% to -5% and then rise to 15% for the year 2009, 2010 and 2011 respectively. This also led to the net assets for the company decreased from $5040 to $4828 from year 2009 to 2011. The inventory turnover rate of the company has risen from 25.1 in 2009 to 42.5 in 2011. This growth was appreciated by the shareholders because it implies that company has become more capable of efficiently turning its inventory into sales in these three years. Companys earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) increased quickly in the last three years (from $5 to $142), which finally resulted in a big increase of profit margin in 2010. Return on assets measures how much profit a company can squeeze out of its assets. A higher return is preferred. The situation of the company is much better in the later years as compared to the starting years of analyses. Its return on assets ratio has increased year by year in the last three years. The ROA % has increased from -0.6% to 1.5%. Return on equity ratios are used to interpret a companys ability to generate earnings from its investments. (Andrew, Damitio, Schmidgall 2007). ROE% for the company has shown a steady increase from -1% in 2009 to 2% in 2011, the profit margin% increased to 3.06% from -1.29% (because companys net income had become positive) respectively(Hyatt 2013) Debt ratio measures how much debt a company has in its total assets. A lower debt ratio can be interpreted as the company being capable of carrying its liabilities since there are enough assets (Andrew, Damitio, Schmidgall 2007). Companys debt ratio increased from 42% to 55% thereby meaning that the companys ability to satisfy its liabilities has decreased. The financial leverage of the company is the ratio of its total liabilities and total assets. The lower the ratio is, the better the company is performing and has a lower risk of failing down or becoming bankrupt. The leverage ratio for the company has shown a decline from -29.6% to -35.7% from year 2009 to 2011 which shows a lower financial risk for the company. Interest coverage ratio determines companies ability to pays interest on outstanding debts, here company has shown constant downfall in interest cover from -0.09, -2.91 and -2.49 for year 2009-11 respectively. Here companies ability to meet interest expenses are questionable, company is in burden by debt expenses (Andrew, Damitio, Schmidgall 2007). Conclusion The Hyatt has shown an increase in its performance and reviewing its last three years of Income Statement and Balance Sheet it is evident that this group is doing better than its other two competitors in hospitality sector; however, there are some issues with its investment policies. Its management did not invest its assets efficiently which led to a higher current ratio in the year 2009-10 exposing the company as high risk to meet its liabilities. This behavior is also supported by return on assets ratio. In the later year, the company has shown a decline of leverage ratio, putting the company into better financial shape and making low risk company in its sector. To sum up, there was a significant increase in companys financial statement in 2011. Compared to 2009, its revenue and net income increased sharply, while its total assets grew by $7507 million dollars. The equity of company decreased to $4828 million, while there was an increase of the total liability to $2679 million. According to the previous analysis of Hyatt Hotel Corporations financial performance from 2009 to 2011, it is clear that company has experienced a sharp increase of its revenue and net income in 2011. One of the main reasons is that the occupancy rate and room rate increased. Overall, trends are looking decent and I would recommend buying the investments in the company.
Friday, October 25, 2019
College Admissions Essay: A Happy Memory Never Wears Out :: College Admissions Essays
A Happy Memory Never Wears Out "Recall it as often as you wish, a happy memory never wears out." Because some of my happiest memories have developed through my volunteer work, I agree with Libbie Fudim. It's always delightful to remember the way a face lights up after I have completed a job for someone. Since my freshman year of high school, I have been involved in over 100 hours of volunteer work. Some areas I have worked in are helping teachers, campaigning for lieutenant governor, University of Mississippi and building houses with Habitat for Humanity and World Changers with my church youth group, working at Countyseat Animal Hospital, and assisting with the Special Olympics at Hernando Middle School. I plan to attend the University of Mississippi and participate in a study abroad program. As a person with a college major in dentistry and a minor in Spanish, I can give back to my community in numerous ways. First, dentists have the opportunity to give back to their communities in monetary ways such as buying equipment for the local athletic organizations, medical clinics, and homeless shelters. Without donations, these places could not survive. Because I love to learn about new cultures, I plan on creating a scholarship fund for students to study abroad. Also, I will participate in mission projects where I buy supplies and give the needy dental care. In my own clinic I will choose a certain day and do pro bono work. "¿ Quieres Jugar al futból?" With a degree in Spanish, I'll start a soccer team for the rapidly growing Hispanic culture in DeSoto County, Mississippi. With the education from college Spanish classes, I will be able not only to communicate with my players but also to translate for the opposing teams that speak English. Also, this will allow people in my community to share other's cultures. Since soccer is a very popular sport in Hispanic countries, my efforts will allow the Hispanic minority to be active and adjust more easily to the United States. I will also volunteer at Baptist DeSoto Hospital by translating information to the patients, doctors, and nurses and at the First Regional Library or the DeSoto Literacy Council, where I can help Spanish-speaking people read, write, or do homework. I have been blessed with a wonderful family who know that succeeding is very important.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Example Lay Out of School Paper Essay
It has been 5 years since the School of Education (SOE) tasted the sweetness of pride wearing the crown of Miss WVSU-LC. And now Miss Rita Marie Penado got it again for the SOE last September 21, 2012 when she outshined the three other competitors from the three departments/school. Miss Penado, a first timer for the pageant will represent the campus to Miss WVSU 2013 during the University Week Celebration scheduled on January 2013 at Main Campus Lapaz Iloilo City. During the local pageant, Penado received minor awards on Miss Photogenic, Most Popularity, Best in Talent, and Best in Interview. Mr. James Paren of BSED-IV escorted Miss Penado to the contest and consequently won the title of First Runner Up with special awards on Best in Talent and Mr. Popularity. Representative from the School of Technology Mr. Ricky Javana was crowned Mr. WVSU-LC 2012 with the following minor awards: Mr. Photogenic, Best in Formal Wear, and Best in Interview. Other contenders were Miss Jessa Horlador from the School of Technology, First Runner Up; Miss Beverly Lubas and Mr. Mark Anthony Espadon from the School of Criminology, Second Runner Up; and Mr. Raymond John Tiu and Miss Jerelyn Lomitillo from the School of Management, Third Runner Up. Hinampang 2012 By: April Lyn Geti-ayon Christine Joy Vallejo West Visayas State University-Lambunao Campus extended their annual University Hinampang last September 13-15, 2012. The activity was participated by the schools which are segregated into four energetic and competing Units; Unit 1-Torch (school of education), Unit 2-Pheonix (school of Technology), Unit 3-Eagles (school of Criminology) and Unit 4-Lions (school of management). This three days celebration had started with the parade of the faculty and staff and the different schools, organizations, and clubs. The opening program was highlighted with the cheer dance competition sponsored by the cultural affairs wherein the Unit 4-Lions (school of Management) bagged the trophy of championship for the year’s cheer dance competition. Hinampang 2012 activity aims to intensify the hidden skills, talents and abilities of every student as well as to strengthen their good sportsmanship among other students. Editorial†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ K12: for Globalization By: Hazel Hablador After considering various proposals, K12 Program finally took its step towards globalization. Officially, the implementation of this program had started this School Year 2012-2013. Despite of the shortcomings such as lack of school facilities, classrooms, and teachers, the government believes that Philippine Education needs this program in order to decongest and enhance the basic education curriculum and provide better quality education for all which is the demand in the global market. The model that is currently proposed by the Dep-Ed is the K-6-4-2 Model. This model embroils Kindergarten, six years of elementary education, four years junior high school (grades 7-10), and two years senior high school (grades 11-12). The two years senior high school anticipates running time for students to consolidate acquired academic skills competencies. With the help of k12, we can show the world that we can compete globally. Upshot to this are accelerated economic growth, mutual recognition of Filipino graduates and professionals in other countries and positive overall impact on society. This is the best step that the government had imposed for the betterment of all. Let us always remember that whatever changes that may happen in the education system of our country, it is still part of our learning. We just need to follow and widen our fruitage of knowledge so that whatever zigzag road we may take, at the end, the road we have taken is still peaceful and bountiful. This is the change that will bring us to a new life and will make us competent to other countries. The BSED III Jefhrey Canopin Janine Marie Pama Marven Losaria April Lyn Geti-ayon Harold Quimba Christine Joy Vallejo Hazel Hablador April Lasangre Anthea Lebanan Richen Lindres Krizzan Jade Jumilla Jenalyn Gonzaga Mhay Lauron April Rose Lindong Anna Rose Soler Essays†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. The Joy of Triumph (A simple Talk to a Queen) By: Jenalyn Gonzaga and April Rose Lindong It was early in the morning of October 5, 2012 when I was walking along the corridor to attend the World’s Teachers’ Day; I met the reigning queen of WVSU-LC 2012. In a far distance I spotted the exotic beauty of Rita Marie Penado so I turned my way just to meet her. The crowned queen was very approachable and kind hearted so I invited her for a short chat. â€Å"Hello Miss Rita can I ask you a favor?†â€Å"Yes what is it?†â€Å"I just want to ask you about the pageant†. â€Å"What did you feel w2hen you were crowned as Miss WVSU-LC?†Rita replied with a sweet smile on her face â€Å"well, when I was crowned as Miss WVSU-LC 2012, I couldn’t exactly explain what my feeling was. It was unexplainable happiness. My tears run down my eyes; tears of joy. Likewise, I felt proud of my school. I didn’t expect of winning the crown but I did. It’s because I trust God. â€Å"Wow that’s great! â€Å"What are your preparations before the grand pageant?†â€Å"Actually, I’m not prepared like the other candidates. All I did was set my mind for the pageant, a little bit of practice and pray for God’s guidance during the pageant. That’s all, nothing less, nothing more.†â€Å"Really? What do you feel when you are walking on stage?†â€Å"Definitely, I was nervous, so nervous that I couldn’t stand nor looked straight to the judges as well as the audiences. I imagined a crowd was looking at me. Oh My Gosh! That was my first time to join a pageant. I thought of stepping back, but never did me. The worst about it was I’m not even expecting to win the crown.†Rita told me with open heart. To be continued on page ..4 AGONY OF DEFEAT By: Richen Lindres and Anthea Lebanan After such tremendous victory winning the cheerdance competition it is surprising to say the least. Suddenly we are presented with a series of failure that stands and striking contrast for the wonderful victorious of the past two years. How instructive this if we only have the ears to listen to the message of this: â€Å"the thrill of victory was so quickly replaced by the agony of defeat†. This is the story of defeat. This the story of life and something we must learn to deal within our daily walk. One minute, we can be living in victory and next is defeat. The whistle blew. It was all over. The long practices and hard game, all the running and training, all the tough and shooting, all the pasta parties and toilet papering, everything. Over, ended, done. Why? Because the whistle had one team run off the field for joy and excitement, the other walked off in utter disappointment . as one side cheered, the other cried. The opposing team had left, the crowds had cleared, but our team just sat at our bench, looking, staring, and glaring at the empty field; mud patches and torn up grass everywhere. Poster everywhere, some hug high on the windows and some still sturdy on walls while others hung by a thread , others were just thrown to the ground by one-lookers and still more hung on fences wishing, wanting, hoping, for nothing but for the best of the team. Everyone stood, sat, laid looking at the field in amazing filled with disappointment, anger and sadness all the same time, trying to comprehend how everything they had worked so hard for had come to an end so quickly. Put to an end by the blow of the whistle. Thinking back to all the perfect opportunities..missed, all the unlucky touches or unconnected passed wondering what would have happened if one thing had been done differently. Tears, hugs, words, it was all enough; it all meant nothing. It wasn’t supposed to end like this, and yet, with the final whistle, it did. Everyone now is experiencing the agony of defeat. Some days when they are sitting in class, staring out the window, at the field, they remember, they wonder, they wish, they push it out of their minds, still experiencing the agony of defeat. Sports†¦and others†¦. EAGLES BEATS THE TORCHES By: Janine Marie Pama and Ana Rose Soler Joy of triumph†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. â€Å"So will you kindly share to us some beauty tips in order to maintain our beauty and body.†â€Å"hahahaha†Rita gave a short laugh. â€Å" to tell you frankly, I never expected that question. Well, to maintain your beauty and body; simply relax, eat moderately with healthy foods, be stress free and most of all smile, all out smile and the world will smile at you.†â€Å"Thanks Rita. It was a pleasure to have a talk with you. Rita just gave a big â€Å"hahahahahahahahhaha†We exchanged laughter together. It was a great moment for me to have a chat with the reigning queen. Despite of the rain and muddy field, Eagles (School of Criminology) made it to the top when they smashed down the Torches (School of Education) during the championship game of football women last September 15, 2012. The Eagles beat down the torches with the score of 1-0 on the first half. Another ball was made to goal on the second half score of Eagles. The game ended with the tally of 2-0. Lions Roared and Crushed the Eagles By: Harold Quimba and April Lasangre On the hotness of the game, the management lions made it to the champ and whitewashed the Criminology Eagles during the University Hinampang, championship game Volleyball boys held September 15,2012. The ball spin and hit down the players of the Eagles as the Lions made the crushing spikes on the first quarter. Another winning score had made the game hotter as they tally tie on the middle of the game. The last quarter had ended scored to the lions-23-25. Experience of an aspiring teacher†¦ By: Mhay L. Lauron Ambition is part and parcel of everyone’s life. It serves as a guiding star that lights our way to triumph. I never expected to be future teacher someday, but as time passes by, the feeling of being a future educator someday had eventually embraced me†¦ I grew up in a poor family, my father was a farmer and we are 10 in the family. I know the situation that we have during that time. I was the youngest but still the faith that I have in my heart is to help my parents in return of their sacrifices that they had. It is the farthest school which is 12- 14 kilometers walking distance from our house. For me this was only a start of my life. The next level of my life in school was totally a great sacrifice. It is now my college life. There are times in that I am about to cry because the boredom and longing for my family. I had to be strong and forget the loneliness; instead I focused on my studies. As an aspiring teacher, I worked hard for it. All my pains and sacrifices resulted in a reward. This is now the time that 6months from now I am about to graduate in this university. West Visayas State University- Lambunao Campus. I guess there’s always a first time for everything no matter how old we are. For the last semester a series of â€Å"First†followed: * This was my first to handle a class with heterogeneous pupils. * First time to experience a pupil that urinated and eliminated his waste while the class was going on. * First time to have a pupil who goes home in tears without any reason at all. * Lastly , I had for the first time a parent scolded me for making her child upset because I scolded him for being absent in my class and teasing his other classmates to make noise inside the classroom. Based on my own experiences, I learned a lot of things after the OJT and it really transforms me to a new creature. Well I guess this was the most essential part of being an aspiring teacher. To explore and to adjust what is going on in our new environment. That is a specialty of a teacher that no one could ever had. Lastly, I would say that poverty is not an obstacle to higher education but a mere challenge to fight for a professional survival and achieve your dreams in your most noble way
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