Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Military s Customs And Courtesies - 1503 Words
The military has an extremely copious amount of traditions and methods of conducting its activity. The older ones around are undoubtedly the military’s rules, and regulations on custom and courtesies. The following RBI will serve to describe the importance and significance behind the military’s customs and courtesies. These traditions are fundamental to military life. The seven army values are also a large aspect of where military behavior and practices stems from. The customs and courtesies we abide by, govern our actions with and without uniform. More specifically they govern our behavior in professional, and social interactions. In the military, there are many special situations not found in civilian life, which require a certain way of†¦show more content†¦Some customs not regulated by a regulation are as follows†¦ No excuses No jumping the chain of command If you don’t know the answer â€Å"I will find out SIR/SGT†is expected. Not â€Å"I don’t know†, or â€Å"Ummm, I think†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The superior ranking service member gets the better accommodations. Superior ranking service member does not have to clean, or do details Courtesies are traditionally defined as the showing of politeness in one’s attitude and behavior towards others. Military courtesies are defined as the manners and politeness in interacting with other military members. Courtesies are in accordance with displaying respect for both subordinate, and senior service members. Military courtesies are one of the first skills learned in basic training. This instils it in every soldier, sailor, marine, airman, and coast guardsman as an integral part of military service. One of the reasons why this is so critical is due to the interrelationships that must be created to accomplish the mission at hand. People from all walks of life are to interact and work together, or against each other towards a goal. Having a standard for interacting with others serves to eliminate many negative encounters that may come about. Mutual respect though at times lacking, is extremely important as well. No matter what rank, sex, or race all military personnel must have a basic level of respect for their fellow brothers and sisters in arms. SomeShow MoreRelatedMilitary Customs1519 Words  | 7 PagesMilitary Customs and Courtesies In the Army and throughout every branch there are certain customs and courtesies that every soldier and military member must follow in order for there to be order and discipline on a daily basis. Customs and courtesies are put in to place to show respect for Non Commissioned Officers and for Officers of all rank. 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