Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Joseph Conrads Views On Colonialism Essay - 1502 Words
What redeems it is the idea only. An idea at the back of it; not a sentimental pretence but an idea. Those who read me know my conviction that the world, the tempered world rests, notably, on the idea of Fidelity. This is a running theme through most Conrads books. As a sailor he learned that to survive, every crewman did the job he was assigned, and that the survival of the ship, and therefore the community, depended on each man doing his duty. The heart of darkness can be read as a political critique of western imperialism as exercised by the Belgians, who more or less raped the Congo of its resources while brutalizing the countrys people and making them slaves of unbridled political avarice. At the time Heart of†¦show more content†¦The bitterness of Marlows recollection demonstrates Conrads own strong bias against colonialism, which he wants to impart to the reader According to Marlow, such barbarism cannot be justified on any grounds; however it can be compensated for by a legitimate and just cause behind it. Colonialism to him was Just robbery with violence, aggravated murder on a great scale It was not an exchange of resources, but a cruel and unjust domination and usurpation of the resources of the weaker party by the stronger, in this case the usurpation of the natives ivory by the pilgrims. The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much The Europeans were a so-called cultured and sophisticated race whose professed aim was the betterment of the African lot. The resources at their disposal, their culture, their food, and their finances, none of these were transferred to the Africans in order to improve their living standard; instead all concentration was focused on getting as much wealth out of the land as possible, even at the cost of the lives of the natives. Had the purpose behind this unjust domination been something worthwhile, the sins of the pilgrims might have been atoned for. But there is no such purpose; no moral betterment,Show MoreRelatedEssay on Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness1276 Words  | 6 PagesIn the present era of decolonization, Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness presents one of fictions strongest accounts of British imperialism. Conrad’s attitude towards imperialism and race has been the subject of much literary and historical debate. Many literary critics view Conrad as acceptin g blindly the arrogant attitude of the white male European and condemn Conrad to be a racist and imperialists. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Military s Customs And Courtesies - 1503 Words
The military has an extremely copious amount of traditions and methods of conducting its activity. The older ones around are undoubtedly the military’s rules, and regulations on custom and courtesies. The following RBI will serve to describe the importance and significance behind the military’s customs and courtesies. These traditions are fundamental to military life. The seven army values are also a large aspect of where military behavior and practices stems from. The customs and courtesies we abide by, govern our actions with and without uniform. More specifically they govern our behavior in professional, and social interactions. In the military, there are many special situations not found in civilian life, which require a certain way of†¦show more content†¦Some customs not regulated by a regulation are as follows†¦ No excuses No jumping the chain of command If you don’t know the answer â€Å"I will find out SIR/SGT†is expected. Not â€Å"I don’t know†, or â€Å"Ummm, I think†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The superior ranking service member gets the better accommodations. Superior ranking service member does not have to clean, or do details Courtesies are traditionally defined as the showing of politeness in one’s attitude and behavior towards others. Military courtesies are defined as the manners and politeness in interacting with other military members. Courtesies are in accordance with displaying respect for both subordinate, and senior service members. Military courtesies are one of the first skills learned in basic training. This instils it in every soldier, sailor, marine, airman, and coast guardsman as an integral part of military service. One of the reasons why this is so critical is due to the interrelationships that must be created to accomplish the mission at hand. People from all walks of life are to interact and work together, or against each other towards a goal. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Identified Event Project
Question: Task 1 1. Write a report on the benefits of carrying out an identified event or project within an agreed time scale in order to meet the need of the project 2. List all the documents that are required for such an event using your experience as an event planner to evaluate and analyse the importance of these documents 3. In your report you must ensure that resources that are required for this event are listed and their benefits to the project/event are discussed and documented within your report 4. The final part of your report should give a critical analysis of how reviews and evaluations including the methods and resources were carried out Task 2 Your Report has been successful and you have convinced the Director and Board members to put on the event/project. Your next task is to present to the board your plan of action. 1. In your report you will document how you will Set up the Project, choose the completion date and allocate responsibilities 2. Detail within your report what leadership, effective time management skills will be necessary to pull such an event /project off 3. Assess and document the significance of stakeholder analysis when formulating new strategy 4. Take corrective action if necessary to keep the project on schedule and document this in your report Task 3 When working on putting on a project, it can never be successful without a team, whom manage different parts of the project for it to come together as a whole successfully. Therefore you are also required to document the following: 1. Choose the Appropriate size team and document each persons role writing down what skills this person has in adding value to the project, and hence why you choose that person to play that role 2. Document within your report what types of team building and conflict management skills are required when diffusing anger 3. Detail methods of co-ordination and communication used, and why you believe they were the most appropriate methods. Do not forget to include documents i.e. minutes of meeting, emails, telephone call logs etc. 4. What, why and how are resources going to be used in order to ensure the project is a success? Task 4 1. Create clear records of communication both internally, externally and of team meetings. 2. Document where use of information technology has been used 3. Produce information clearly, regularly and on time documenting when and what was produced. Answer: Task 1 1) Benefits of carrying out the identified event within the agreed time for meeting the needs of the project According to the outlook and opinion of Sadgrove (2015), the benefits of the event project focuses towards the completion of the project work within specified period. It focuses on the completion of the careers fair as well as the satisfaction of the students for whom the event will organize. The better the project will provide services to the customers, the more they will be satisfied. So, the better will be the publicity of the organization for managing the events in future. It will, therefore, increase the reputation of the organization along with the profits. The employees will retain to the maximum extent. 2) Documents required for such events as event planner along with analyzing the documents Conger (2015) commented that documentation of the essentialities and requirements are essential for the event manager to know from the clients. It is due to that the better the event manager will be working on the clients demand and making it fulfilled, the more the proportion of satisfaction will increase. The documents essential are for making the entire organization work based on it. The reasons behind the occurrence of the event are the type of decorations; the companies invited, the students those are enrolling their names are all included in the documentation. Moreover, the time of completion of the event also specifies for a good organization of the event (Reijers et al. 2015). 3) Resources that required for the event There are certain reasons for making the entire organization work accordingly for organizing a good event for the satisfaction of the customers. From the outlook and opinion of Carroll and Buchholtz (2014), the team members required for the event are the managers for overall monitoring of the entire event. The companies is therefore contacted and invited for joining the careers fair for providing advice to the students like Joe for choosing the correct career path. 4) Critical analysis of the reviews As commented by Hart (2015), the event organizer analyzes the reports as well as evaluations those carried out in the career fair. The companies dealing with marketing, legal, financial and operations called for the students like Joe seeking for career guidance. Other than this, the students names along with their skills and qualifications enrolled to see which company and job profile will be matching with them. Task 2 1) Documentation of the plan and allocation of responsibilities From the outlook and opinion of Meyr et al. (2015), the careers fair is held in the city of Leeds and the companies related to several occupations invited. The students are also invited from every corner of UK to join the careers fair. Moreover, for setting up the careers fair at the University of Leeds, the companies and enrollment of the students necessary. Other than this, the careers fair is to e held for four days from morning 8 am to evening 5 pm. It will be held from 5th November 2015 to 9th November 2015. As commented by Jennings et al. (2015), the staff members of the organization have to enroll the names of the students along with their skills and specializations. Then, accordingly, the students are sent to the companies that go best with their skills. 2) Essentiality in the project The overall time management is necessary that helps in the completion of the project within specified period. The effective time management helps in the overall management of event within specified period and with effectiveness in time (Webster, 2015). A good leadership is necessary for the conduction of the event in time. Necessary supply of water, cleanliness of toiletries, etc. helps in the completion of the project. 3) Assessing and documentation the significance of the analysis of the stakeholder For formulating the new strategies, the stakeholder analysis helps necessary that helps in understanding the need and requirements of the careers fair. Other than this, it also helps members in the management of the team along with its staff members for completion of the project in specified period (Hatten, 2015). The new strategies help in the utmost completion of the project in time and with fruitful results. 4) Corrective action for documentation of the project The project helps in scheduling the overall activities of the project in time. It also fully documents the students involved along with the organizations those have taken part in the project completion (Strumickas and Valanciene, 2015). It also helps in taking the overall project completion in time along with the essential requirements and resources for completing it. Task 3 1) Documentation of the team along with the roles The stem size for organizing the event is of twenty people along with the manager. The five members of the team engage them in enrolling the organizations name along with the members coming for representing the organization. These people have the skills of marketing (Sadgrove, 2015). Other than this, the other five people specializing in operations take care of the computers and laptops provided to the students as well as the organizations. The next five people from the financial department responsible for enrolling the student names and the money provided for joining the event. The last four people and the manager overall check the event planning and also do the monitoring (Ceponiene et al. 2015). 2) Documentation of the types of team building and conflict management skills The team members should have excellent communications within the team along with the excellent management skills. Taking care of huge organizations along with the overall management of the skills also help in effective building of the team (Conger, 2015). Other than this, the anger entering in the teamwork can ruin the entire work. So, the anger management is essential within the team for the effective operation of the event. 3) Methods of coordination and communication Communication being one of the best parts of the organization that helps in the overall management of the system. The communication media are the telephone, emails, calls logs, etc. that helps in the effective documentation as well as communication in the team. It also includes the time allocated for each of the students for having the face to face interaction with the organization (Reijers et al. 2015). It also includes the stipulated time of having breaks between the interviews. Other than this, the emails help in the documentation of the entire project that helps in entire project scheduling and timing. 4) Resources for ensuring the success of project The resources those sending ensure the success of the project as because it will be methodical in nature. Other than this, the resources also help in making the entire project work in the most stipulated way that ensures success. The overall event scheduling and implementation in stipulated time help in the accomplishment of the work in time. Moreover, the human resources of the team that is the team members handle overall monitoring of the event (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2014). It therefore, helps in the overall completion of the work methodically as well as in stipulated time. Task 4 1) Requirement of communication The communication is essential for managing the event. Both internal, as well as external communication with the team members, should be present that helps in making the work methodical in nature. Hart (2015) commented on the essential fact that the internal, as well as external communication, also helps in team meetings to organize the task more beautifully. The communication also helps in understanding the event and the reason behind the organizing it. It also helps in communicating the requirements of clients to all the team members to work accordingly. 2) Usage of the information technology From the outlook and opinion of Slack (2015), the information technology plays an important role in the organizing the entire event successfully. The information technologies such as phones are necessary for calling and messaging the team members for doing the work accordingly. Other than this, it also includes the use of emails where the event manager receives the requirements of the clients. From the event manager, the tasks are segregated among the staff members based on their specialization. So, it is seen that in every step of the organization, the information technology is essential. 3) Documentation of the entire event According to the outlook and opinion of Ceponiene et al. (2015), the information received from the clients is essential and need to be circulated to the team members. The better the circulation, as well as documentation, will be, the more the event will be organized in the better way. The documentation also focuses towards the completion the event management at the time that the client has specified. The documentation also includes the time of completion, the materials required as well as resources that help in organizing the entire work within time. The overall management also included the food items and drinks that will serve at the time. References Hart, C. V. (2015).U.S. Patent No. 9,069,930. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Hatten, T. S. (2015).Small business management: Entrepreneurship and beyond. Cengage Learning. Sadgrove, M. K. (2015).The complete guide to business risk management. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.. Meyr, H., Wagner, M., and Rohde, J. (2015). Structure of advanced planning systems. InSupply chain management and advanced planning(pp. 99-106). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Jennings, C. L., Mishra, R., Nayar, T., and Russell, L. W. (2015).U.S. Patent No. 8,984,119. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Webster, L. (2015).An evaluation of the feasibility of setting up an event interior specialist business in cardiff(Doctoral dissertation, Cardiff Metropolitan University). Conger, S. (2015). Six sigma and business process management. InHandbook on Business Process Management 1(pp. 127-146). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Slack, N. (2015).Operations strategy. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. Strumickas, M., and Valanciene, L. (2015). Research of management accounting changes in Lithuanian business organizations.Engineering Economics,63(4). Reijers, H. A., Mendling, J., and Recker, J. (2015). Business process quality management. InHandbook on Business Process Management 1(pp. 167-185). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Ceponiene, L., Nemuraite, L., and Vedrickas, G. (2015). Separation of event and constraint rules in UMLandOCL models of service oriented information systems.Information technology and control,38(1). Carroll, A., and Buchholtz, A. (2014).Business and society: Ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management. Cengage Learning.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Mortal Pursuit Essays - English-language Films,
Mortal Pursuit Trish Robinson- She is a rookie cop that entered the police force for about a week. She has not done very much for her first week being a cop, but today she would never imagine what she had to go through. On the first day of her second week she get yelled at by her captain for being late, so he assigns her to go along with an experienced cop on a night watch. From the very firs minute that the cop meets her, he can tell that she is very special, and he knows that she will become a really good cop. Ally Kent- She is a little girl that is being held hostage at her own home along with her family, and her parent's friends. She is only 15 years old but she is very smart, and very mature for her age. Through out the whole ordeal she quickly becomes a victim and almost gets raped by the headman of the whole operation. Until Trish and her partner come to the house, Ally becomes a really good friend of Trish Robinson. Cain- He is the terrorist that has broken into the Kent household for the evening, him and his killing-crazy buddies have made the house a battlefield. He had plans to rob the Kent's and make a couple of deals with Mr. Kent. Not until Trish Robinson shows up he knows the true meaning of hatred towards another person, but he also learns that it's going to be really hard to get rid of her. PLOT SUMMARY Its just another routine patrol for Trish Robinson and her partner Wald. Everything was going good until they both responded to a prowler watch outside of the Kent estate, in the mean time Cain and his deadly killers are plotting to trap the Kent's and their guests inside their beautiful home. On the way to the Kent's house Wald is reassuring Trish that there's nothing to worry about and that she will be fine, and usually when someone is reporting a prowler outside their home its an animal or something. It makes her feel better, but if they only knew what they were really getting into. They come to find that the Kent's are being held hostage. They kill Wald soon after that, and they put Trish in the trunk of the patrol car and dumped both of them in the lake. Somehow Trish figured out a way of getting out of the trunk, and she just had to go back and rescue everyone, even thought she knew that she could get killed in the process. She especially had to rescue Ally, and only because she reminded Trish of a childhood friend that she had that got killed by Cain, 16 years earlier. Through out the book, her and Ally came really close to getting killed by Cain and the rest of his killers. In the end, they both succeeded and they were able to save everyone that was worth saving. OPINION OF BOOK I really enjoyed this book because at the beginning of the book it was kind of like every other book that you have ever read, and then it started to get really interesting. It was really suspenseful, and it really kept me on the story. It was one of those books that you wish that you had the whole time in the world to actually be able to read it, and actually keep reading it. And it was also one of those books that you wish that they would go on forever, and that they should make it into a movie, but then again all the movies are the same. Other than that I really enjoyed the book, and I recommend it to anyone that likes this kind of book.
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